User's Guide
Optical Models
uide to the PTC-860
Optical Models
Part Number: 14767-701-03
Release Date: 10/20/94
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The information contained in this manual is subject to change
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This manual is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. No part of
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© Copyright 1993 Telxon Corporation
All Rights Reserved.
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Overview of the PTC-860 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Through the keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
25-pin connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Backup battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Bar-code reader (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Battery charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Battery compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Battery recharge posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Elastic strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
ENTER/YES key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
SHIFT key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Optical coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Wand port (PTC-860 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Automatic return at on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Connecting an accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Removing an accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Using the optical coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Using the 25-pin connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Disconnecting a cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Cloning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Maintaining the PTC-860 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PTC-860 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PTC-860ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PTC-860NI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Servicing the PTC-860 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Removing the batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Installing new batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
AA alkaline batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Backup battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
The PTC does not turn on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
The bar-code reader fails to read a label . . . . . . . . . . . 49
you turn it on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Hardware part numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Communication connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6. Inserting AA alkaline batteries into the plastic
battery case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7. PTC-to-IBM PC/AT cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10. PTC-to-1/2 duplex modem cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
11. PTC-to-full duplex modem cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
12. PTC-to-host (DTE) cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1. Hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with
Article 500, National Electrical Code - 1990 . . . . . . 10
2. Hardware part numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with this operator ’s guide, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of
this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference, in which case users will be required to correct the
interference at their own expense.
ᮣ PTC-860NI
Responsibility for use
The standards used by Telxon for evaluation of the PTC-860NI
(Non-Incendive) equipment’s suitability for use in the
Hazardous Locations specified herein are applicable in the
United States and may not be applicable outside of the United
States. It is the customer ’s responsibility to determine whether
the NI unit will meet the regulatory/safety requirements for its
operation and in the customer ’s jurisdiction.
The customer also assumes full responsibility for the
determination of the proper class of electrical equipment for
use in the Hazardous Locations of its operations in compliance
with applicable laws, regulations, and safety standards. Telxon
expressly disclaims any responsibility for such determination.
The PTC-860NI uses a Telxon AFAT nickel-cadmium battery
pack (Telxon part number 14861-000). This battery pack is the
only pack approved for use with the PTC-860NI.
Th e P TC-860NI is n ot u ser - or field -ser vicea ble beyon d
ba tter y r ep la cem en t.
Use in hazardous locations
The PTC-860NI is approved for use in Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups E, F, and G;
and Class III Hazardous Locations.
In h a za r d ou s loca tion s, th e P TC-860NI’s on ly u ser
in ter fa ce is its k eyboa r d ; th e a ccessor y p or ts a r e n ot
su ita ble for u se in h a za r d ou s loca tion s.
WARNING! Remove the PTC-860NI from the potentially
hazardous area if the unit is damaged or suspected of being
WARNING! Remove the PTC-860NI from the potentially
hazardous location should the location become hazardous
due to failure of containment systems, equipment, or other
causes that would expose the unit to volatile substances.
Hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with Article 500,
National Electrical Code - 1990
Cla ss I
F la m m a ble ga ses or va p or s
Division 2
• Liquids and gases are in closed containers, or the
systems are handled, processed, or used
• Concentrations are normally prevented by positive
mechanical ventilation
• Adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 location
Gr ou p A:
Gr ou p B:
Atmospheres containing acetylene
Atmospheres such as acrolein, butadiene, ethylene oxide,
hydrogen, propylene oxide, or gases or vapors equivalent in
hazard to hydrogen, such as manufactured gas
Gr ou p C:
Gr ou p D:
Atmospheres such as cyclopropane, ethylene, ethyl ether, or
gases or vapors equivalent in hazard
Atmospheres such as acetone, alcohol, ammonia, benzine,
benzol, butane, gasoline, hexane, lacquer solvent vapors,
naphtha, natural gas, propane, or gases or vapors equivalent
in hazard
Cla ss II
Com bu stible d u sts
Division 2
• Not normally in the air
• Accumulations normally sufficient to interfere with normal
operation of electrical equipment or other apparatus
• In the air as a result of infrequent malfunctioning of
- handling equipment
- process equipment
• Accumulations are sufficient to interfere with the safe
dissipation of heat from electrical equipment
• Accumulations may be ignitible by abnormal or failure of
electrical equipment
Gr ou p E:
Gr ou p F :
Atmospheres containing combustible metal dusts
(regardless of resistivity), dusts of similarly
hazardous characteristics (< 100 kΩ/cm), or
electrically conductive dusts
Atmospheres containing combustible carbon black,
charcoal, or coke dusts that have > 8% total volatile
material or if these dusts are sensitized so that
they present an explosion hazard and have a
resistivity > 100 kΩ/cm but ≤ 100 MΩ/cm
Gr ou p G:
Atmospheres containing combustible dusts
having a resistivity > 100 kΩ/cm or electrically
nonconductive dusts
Cla ss III
Ign itible fib er s or flyin gs
Division 1
Division 2
• Fibers or materials
• Fibers are handled
Not gr ou p ed
or stored except
• Manufacturers
such as textile
mills, cotton-
related mills, or
clothing plants
combustible flyings
are manufactured,
stored, or handled
during the process
of manufacture
• Fibers and flyings
including cotton,
hemp, jute, rayon,
sisal, and spanish
Note: The previous information provides only general
guidelines on the environments in which a PTC-860NI is
approved for use. Ea ch h a za r d ou s loca tion in w h ich a
P TC-860NI w ill be u sed m u st be in sp ected a n d a p p r oved
by th e Occu p a tion a l Sa fety a n d Hea lth Ad m in istr a tion
(OSHA), th e loca l fir e m a r sh a ll, a n d th e cu stom er ’s
in su r a n ce com p a n y.
ᮣ Disposing of nickel-cadmium batteries
Nickel-cadmium batteries contain chemically active materials
that are hazardous to the environment; therefore, they should
be disposed of properly. Never attempt to incinerate a
nickel-cadmium battery; doing so could cause it to explode.
Telxon urges you to contact the Environmental Protection
Agency, the Department of Natural Resources, a local
hazardous waste disposal agency, or the Telxon Customer
Support Center for assistance prior to disposing of your
nickel-cadmium batteries.
of the PTC-860
The Telxon PTC-860 is a battery-powered hand-held computer
used to collect, store, and transmit data.
The PTC-860 automates your data collection procedures and is
custom programmed to efficiently handle your organization’s
unique data collection jobs. Options for scanning bar codes and
printing are also available.
Because the PTC-860 is custom programmed for each
organization, this manual does not include the specific
operating instructions for your organization’s unique PTC
data collection program. Operating instructions and training
are available from your organization.
The PTC’s program leads you through the data collection
procedure with a series of display messages, prompts, and
beeps. Messages tell you when you make an error and provide
information on the program or the PTC’s status. Prompts and
beeps tell you when to enter data, what type of data to enter,
and when you complete certain operations.
ᮣ Entering data
Entering data into the PTC-860 is easy. You can key in data
through the PTC’s keyboard, scan bar-code labels with a
bar-code reader, or have another device transmit data to the
Through the keyboard
Entering data through the keyboard is similar to operating a
calculator. As you press a key on the PTC’s keyboard, the
corresponding number or letter appears on the display.
Pressing the ENTER key stores data in the PTC’s memory.
With a bar-code reader
A second method of entering data is with a bar-code reader.
When you pass the reader across a bar code the PTC is
programmed to read, the PTC and reader interpret the data
and store it in the PTC’s memory.
Via cloning or downloading
A third method of entering data into the PTC-860 is by
receiving (via cloning or downloading) the data. In cloning, one
PTC sends a duplicate copy of its programs and data to another
PTC via a data cable connected directly to both PTCs. In
downloading, a host computer sends data to the PTC either
directly (using a data cable) or over the telephone lines. When
sending data over the telephone lines, an optional accessory
such as a modem is used. The modem is connected to the PTC
with a data cable.
Once you enter data into the PTC, it is stored in files in the
PTC’s memory. Each file holds a separate group of application-
related data. For example, a PTC used to collect many types of
data (sales orders, inventory changes, and employee hours)
would store all data relating to sales orders in one file, all data
relating to inventory changes in another, and all data relating
to employee hours in still another.
ᮣ Communicating data
After collecting the data, the PTC must either transmit the
data to a host computer for processing or send it to a printer, or
both, to make the data useful to you and your organization.
Once the host computer receives the data from the PTC, it uses
that data to update its master files and records. In some cases,
the host computer may even transmit data back to the PTC,
asking you, as the PTC’s operator, to perform a new task.
ᮣ Models
This manual covers the three optical models of the PTC-860:
PTC-860, PTC-860ES, and PTC-860NI. These three models are
similar but have the following differences:
The PTC-860 has a wand port (used to connect bar-code
readers) on its side.
the PTC-860 model but is specially sealed for use in
harsh environments. The unit does not have a wand
port for connecting bar-code readers. Wands must be
connected through the PTC’s 25-pin connector.
The PTC-860NI (Non-Incendive) is designed for use in
hazardous locations. (Refer to the “Use in hazardous
locations” section on page 9 for the locations in which
the unit is approved for use.)
No a ccessor ies a r e a p p r oved for u se w ith th e
P TC-860NI in h a za r d ou s loca tion s. However, all
PTC-860 accessories can be used with the unit in
non-hazardous locations. Like the PTC-860ES, the
PTC-860NI does not have a wand port; bar-code readers
must be connected through the unit’s 25-pin connector.
Unlike the other two PTC-860 optical models, which can
use either an AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or AA
alkaline batteries, the PTC-860NI can be used with only
an AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack.
ᮣ PTC-860 optical models (PTC-860, PTC-860ES, and PTC-860NI)
This manual collectively refers to all three PTC-860 optical
models as PTC-860. Instances in which PTC-860 refers
specifically to the PTC-860 unit will be obvious (for instance, in
a comparison between models). To determine which model you
have, refer to the “Models” section on page 15.
ᮣ Unpacking the PTC-860
The PTC-860 is shipped in a single box containing
a PTC-860, PTC-860ES, or PTC-860NI,
an 800-mAhr AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or a
plastic battery case containing four AA alkaline
a battery charger,
a bar-code reader (if ordered),
the Guide to the PTC-860 Optical Models,
the Guide to the FLASH Utilities (TCAL or MS-DOS
Version), and
the Guide to Maintaining NiCd Batteries.
Any additional accessories are shipped in separate boxes with
their own manuals.
1. Remove the PTC from the box.
2. Remove all packing material from the PTC. Save the
packing material in case the PTC is ever stored or shipped
to Telxon for service.
3. Check the contents of the package to make sure you have
received everything ordered.
4. Check the PTC and accessories for shipping damage. Pay
particular attention to the PTC case, display lens, and
bar-code reader, if included.
If anything is missing or damaged, notify your Telxon sales
ᮣ Turning on the backup battery
The PTC-860 is shipped with the backup battery disconnected
so the backup battery is fully charged when you receive your
PTC. Follow the procedure below to turn on the backup battery
before you use the unit for the first time.
Equ ip m en t r equ ir ed :
A small screwdriver or the screwdriver on the
PTC-860’s elastic strap
A pen or pencil
1. Make sure the PTC is off.
2. Disconnect any accessories and remove the elastic strap
from the PTC.
3. Locate the battery door and the two screws securing it.
4. Unscrew the two screws and remove the battery door.
Note: Do not remove the screws from the battery door. The
screws are designed to stay in the door when it is removed
from the PTC.
5. If the AFAT battery pack or the plastic case containing
batteries is in the PTC-860’s battery compartment, remove
it. Refer to the “Removing the batteries” section on page 44
for the correct procedure.
6. The backup battery switch is located in a small opening just
PTC is facedown (see Figure 1). Insert the tip of a pen or
pencil into the opening and apply direct pressure to push
down the switch. Make sure the switch is pressed down
7. Insert the AFAT battery pack or the plastic case containing
batteries into the PTC-860’s battery compartment. Refer to
the “Installing new batteries” section on page 45 for the
correct procedure.
8. Replace the battery door and tighten the two screws.
Note: If the backup battery switch has not been turned on, a
warning message displays when you turn on the PTC.
ᮣ Charging the battery pack
Charge your PTC-860’s AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack, if
used, before you use the unit for the first time and whenever
the battery pack becomes weak. The PTC-860’s low-battery
light glows when the battery pack is low.
Note: If you are using alkaline batteries in your PTC-860,
replace them whenever the low-battery light glows.
Equ ip m en t r equ ir ed :
One battery charger for each PTC
An electrical outlet within 6 feet (1.8 meters) providing
110 volts AC in the U.S. or Canada or 220 volts AC
Note: If you are charging the PTC’s battery pack outside the
U.S. or Canada, you need a charger designed for use in a
220-volt AC electrical outlet.
The PTC-860 can be recharged either by itself or with a Telxon
microprinter attached. If you plan to recharge the PTC with
the microprinter attached, see the instructions provided with
the microprinter.
The PTC-860’s battery pack can also be recharged by the
optional CS-860 Optical Communication Station, MCO-860
Four-Bay Cradle, or PTC-860 Fast Battery Charger. If you plan
to use one of these accessories, see the recharging instructions
provided with that unit.
CAUTION! Do not charge a PTC-860NI’s battery pack in a
hazardous location. Accessories are approved for use with
the PTC-860NI only in non-hazardous locations.
1. Make sure the PTC is off.
2. Disconnect all accessories from the PTC.
3. Line up the 25-pin connector on the charger ’s cable with
the connector on the PTC and push them together.
CAUTION! Do not force the connectors together if they do
not connect easily. You could bend the pins on the cable
If the connectors do not go together easily, check to make
sure they are lined up correctly, wide ends on the same
side, and no pins are bent on the cable connector.
4. Plug the charger into the wall outlet. The green charging
indicator above the display lights.
5. Charge the PTC’s battery pack for 14 hours.
ᮣ Checking the PTC-860
1. Press the ON/OFF key to turn on the PTC.
2. Look at the PTC’s display. What appears on the display
depends on the program your organization uses.
If the PTC is operating correctly, you should not see any of
the following:
A low-battery warning
A backup battery warning
A blank display screen
Repeat the steps in this section if the PTC-860 is not
operating properly. You should not hear any beeps warning
you that an error has occurred. If you do hear warning
beeps, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section on page 49 or
contact your Telxon service representative.
Figure 2 shows the parts of the PTC-860.
ᮣ 25-pin connector
On the top of the PTC is a female RS-232-type 25-pin connector
for accessories and communication. A cable or the connector on
the bottom of some accessories plugs into this connector to
communicate with the PTC. The 25-pin connector can also be
used to attach the PTC’s battery charger.
The connector is between a slot, a screw, and a latch plate,
which are used to hold accessories in place when they are
connected directly to a PTC.
ᮣ Application flash EPROM
An application flash EPROM is an electronic component
soldered into the PTC-860. It contains the PTC’s data collection
program and determines the PTC’s key functions, the display
prompts and messages, and how and when the PTC prints or
transmits data.
You can erase the application flash EPROM and then
reprogram it with a new program from the host via software in
the PTC’s operating system.
For instructions on how to erase and reprogram an application
flash EPROM, refer to the Guide to the FLASH Utilities (TCAL
or MS-DOS Version). See Appendix B for this manual’s part
CAUTION! Do not attempt to erase or reprogram the
PTC-860NI’s application flash EPROM in a hazardous
location. This procedure is approved for use only in a
non-hazardous location.
ᮣ Backup battery
All models of the PTC-860 have a built-in backup battery. The
backup battery provides enough power to protect data stored in
the PTC’s memory when the main batteries are being changed
or if they run out of power.
A switch inside the PTC, accessible through the battery door,
lets you turn on the backup battery. The PTC-860 is shipped
from the factory with this switch turned off to conserve the
backup battery power.
Note: Once you turn on the backup battery by pushing down
on the backup battery switch, do not attempt to reraise the
switch. It is meant to stay down permanently.
If your PTC shows a “Backup Battery Fault” message when
you turn on the PTC, either turn on the backup battery or
have the backup battery replaced. (Do not attempt to replace
the backup battery yourself; contact your Telxon service
representative for assistance!)
CAUTION! Do not store a PTC-860 for over two months
without charging the battery pack or replacing the alkaline
batteries. Otherwise, both the primary batteries and the
backup battery will drain, and any data and programs
loaded in the PTC’s memory will be lost.
ᮣ Bar-code reader (optional)
The PTC-860 unit (not including the PTC-860ES and
PTC-860NI units) may have an optional bar-code reader
that plugs into the wand port on the side of the unit. If your
PTC-860 unit was ordered with a pencil-wand bar-code reader,
it has a holder for the reader attached to its side.
Bar-code readers are available for the PTC-860ES and
PTC-860NI but must be connected to the units through the
25-pin connector.
CAUTION! Do not use a bar-code reader with a PTC-860NI
in a hazardous location. Accessories are approved for use
with the PTC-860NI only in non-hazardous locations.
The bar-code reader lets you enter data into your PTC by
passing the reader across bar-code labels (scanning). Your
PTC’s data collection program determines the types of bar-code
labels you can read.
ᮣ Battery charger
The battery charger is used to recharge the nickel-cadmium
battery pack in the PTC. The charger for the PTC-860 has a
25-pin connector.
CAUTION! Do not charge a PTC-860NI’s battery pack in a
hazardous location. Accessories are approved for use with
the PTC-860NI only in non-hazardous locations.
ᮣ Battery compartment
The PTC-860 and PTC-860ES come from the factory with an
AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or four AA alkaline
batteries in a plastic battery case. The PTC-860NI comes with
the AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack.
The battery pack charges in 14 hours.
When the battery pack or alkaline batteries are weak but not
weak enough to stop the PTC from operating, a low-battery
message displays, the PTC’s beeper sounds a warning beep,
and the red low-battery light comes on.
Note: When the PTC’s battery pack or alkaline batteries
become too weak to operate the PTC, the unit automatically
shuts off. In this event, charge the battery pack or replace the
alkaline batteries immediately.
CAUTION! Do not store a PTC-860 for over two months
without charging the battery pack or replacing the alkaline
batteries. Otherwise, your data and programs will be lost.
ᮣ Battery recharge posts
The battery recharge posts, one on each side of the optical
coupler, make contact with spring-loaded posts on an optical
communication cradle and are used to recharge the PTC’s
nickel-cadmium battery pack.
ᮣ Display
The PTC-860’s display screen shows the information you type
or scan into the PTC and messages and instructions from the
PTC or the host computer. The screen is a supertwist liquid
crystal display (LCD).
The display can show up to sixteen lines of information, each
line sixteen or twenty-one characters long. In addition, the
display is graphics supported, which allows a variety of
character sets to be displayed and enables the 16-line display
to emulate an 8-line display.
Above the display are two light-emitting diode (LED)
indicators. The green LED glows when the battery pack is
being charged. The red LED glows when the batteries are low.
The low-battery LED works only when the PTC is turned on.
ᮣ Elastic strap
A wide elastic strap on the back of the PTC is used as a hand
strap. It secures the PTC to the palm of your hand, making it
easier to hold onto the PTC when you are using it.
ᮣ Keyboard
The keyboard on the PTC-860 can have fifty, forty, or
twenty-four keys. Each keyboard has two different types
of keys: data keys and function keys.
Data keys are the letter and number keys, A-Z and 0-9. You use
them to type data into the PTC. Function keys include the
F1-F5, CLEAR, ENTER/YES, and SEND keys. These keys may
have different labels on your PTC. They are used to perform a
special procedure or function. For example, your program may
use the SEND function key to transmit the PTC’s data to the
host computer.
How you use the ENTER/YES key depends on your
organization’s data collection program. Usually you press this
key to tell the program that you have finished typing data,
have finished an operation, or want the PTC to begin an
operation, such as sending data to the host computer.
ON/ OFF key
Pressing this key turns the PTC on or off.
On a 50-key keyboard, the SHIFT key activates only the
function keys labeled on an overlay that slips over the
keyboard. The numeric keys are always available.
On a 40-key or 24-key keyboard, the SHIFT key shifts between
the numeric and alphabetic keyboard and also activates some
of the function keys your program uses. These keys are labeled
on the overlay.
Note: Your data collection program may turn off certain keys
at times during the program to prevent you from accidently
erasing data or ending an operation. The PTC beeps when you
press a key the program has turned off.
ᮣ Keyboard overlay
The keyboard overlay is a small sheet of plastic cut out to fit
over the PTC’s keyboard. Labels for the special function keys
used by your organization’s data collection program are printed
on the overlay.
ᮣ Optical coupler
On the back of the PTC-860 is a small red window. Behind the
window are five LEDs that the PTC can use to communicate
with your host computer. Instead of sending data in the form of
electronic signals through the RS-232 connector, the PTC sends
the data in the form of pulses of light to a similar coupler on an
optical communication cradle. The cradle then converts the
pulses of light into electronic signals and transmits them
directly to the host computer or over the phone lines. The
cradle can also send data to the PTC via the optical couplers.
ᮣ Screwdriver
A small screwdriver is part of the clasp on the ends of the
elastic strap. Use the screwdriver to loosen the screws holding
the battery door in place when you need to change the batteries
in the PTC-860.
ᮣ Wand port (PTC-860 only)
Optional bar-code readers plug into a wand port on the side of
the PTC-860 unit. (PTC-860ES and PTC-860NI units do not
have a wand port.) If your PTC-860 unit was ordered without a
bar-code reader, a plastic plug covers this port. Do not remove
the plastic plug except to add a bar-code reader to your
PTC-860 unit. (For instructions on how to attach a bar-code
reader to your PTC-860 unit, see page 33.)
ᮣ Automatic off
To conserve battery power, the PTC-860 turns itself off
automatically after approximately 1 minute of inactivity. The
exact length of time depends on the program.
ᮣ Automatic return at on
When you turn the PTC-860 off (or when the PTC-860 turns
itself off), it remembers where it was in the data collection
program. Then, when you turn the PTC-860 back on, it returns
to that same point in the program. You do not need to review
what you have done or perform any other start-up function to
find your place.
ᮣ Backlight
The backlight lights up the display to make information
readable in low light. The backlight may or may not be
available to you, depending on your organization’s data
collection program.
If the backlight is available, you can turn it on by pressing a
key on the PTC’s keyboard, typing in a command, or making a
choice from a list on the PTC’s screen. Once it is turned on, it
turns itself off after a predetermined amount of time to
conserve battery life.
ᮣ Beeper
The PTC-860’s internal beeper is used by the PTC and your
data collection program to warn you of problems or to prompt
you to take an action. For example, if your program has
temporarily turned off a key, the PTC beeps if you press it.
ᮣ Clock
The PTC-860’s built-in clock keeps track of the date (month,
day, year, and day of the week) and the time (hours, minutes,
and seconds). The clock operates continuously.
How the clock is used depends on your data collection program.
For example, the PTC-860 can use the clock to show the date
and time on its display or to direct a printer to place a time
stamp on a report.
ᮣ Memory
The PTC-860’s internal memory stores your organization’s data
collection program and the data you type into the PTC.
The amount of memory in your PTC determines how much
data you can type in before you have to send it to a host
computer or print it. Various amounts of memory are available
from Telxon, and the amount actually installed in your PTC
has been determined by your organization’s needs.
ᮣ Power backup system
The PTC-860 contains a lithium cell that is used as a backup
energy source when the main batteries are removed or are too
weak to provide adequate power. If used continuously, the cell
lasts twenty days. If the main batteries are always left in the
PTC and charged, the cell has a minimum five-year life.
Many accessories are available for the PTC-860. These include
printers, adaptors, modems, and bar-code readers. All
accessories connect to the PTC-860ES and PTC-860NI through
the 25-pin connector. Bar-code readers can be connected to the
PTC-860 through a wand port on the unit’s side.
Some accessories plug directly into the 25-pin connector on the
PTC; some require a cable between the PTC and the accessory.
The same general procedure is used to connect accessories and
CAUTION! Do not connect an accessory to or use an
accessory with a PTC-860NI in a hazardous location.
Accessories are approved for use with the PTC-860NI
only in non-hazardous locations.
ᮣ Connecting an accessory
Through the 25-pin connector
The PTC-860 has three accessory fasteners: a latch plate, a
locking screw, and a slot. See Figure 3.
1. Turn off the PTC-860.
2. If the accessory has a locking tab, find the slot and locking
screw on the back of the PTC, near the top, and loosen the
screw. See Figure 3.
Accessory fasteners
the top of the PTC. The latch plate has a keyhole-shaped
opening in it. Note which side the wider part of the opening
is on. See Figure 3.
Locate the sliding latch button on the bottom of the
accessory; then locate the locking latch on the front of the
accessory and slide it into the open position (to the left). See
Figure 4.
4. If you are connecting an accessory directly to the PTC,
insert the accessory’s tab into the slot on the PTC and line
up the sliding button on the bottom of the accessory with
the wider end of the keyhole in the PTC’s latch plate.
If you are connecting a cable, line up the connector on the
cable with the 25-pin connector on the PTC.
5. Gently slip the connector on the accessory or cable over the
connector on the PTC and press them together. Do not use
a rocking or twisting motion when pressing the connectors
CAUTION! Do not force the connectors together if they
do not connect easily. You could bend the pins on the
accessory’s or cable’s connector.
Using the accessory locking latch
6. If you are connecting an accessory directly to the PTC,
tighten the PTC’s locking screw and slide the accessory’s
locking latch as far to the right as it will go to lock the
accessory onto the PTC.
If you are connecting a cable, connect the other end to the
accessory using the same procedure.
Through the wand port (PTC-860 only)
1. Before attaching a bar-code reader to the PTC-860, remove
the protective plug from the wand port by placing the tip of
a small screwdriver between the plug and the PTC and
gently prying the plug from its port.
2. Line up the bar-code reader plug with the PTC-860’s wand
port and press the plug into the port until it snaps into
ᮣ Removing an accessory
From the 25-pin connector
1. Turn off the PTC-860.
2. To remove an accessory that connects directly to the PTC,
slide the accessory’s locking latch as far to the left as it will
go and loosen the PTC’s locking screw.
3. Pull the accessory or the cable’s connector directly away
from the PTC’s 25-pin connector.
Do not pull at an angle.
Do not use a rocking or twisting motion when pulling the
connectors apart.
From the wand port (PTC-860 only)
1. To remove a bar-code reader from the PTC-860, insert the
tip of a pen or pencil into the opening at the top of the
bar-code reader plug and press down firmly. (A release on
the plug should be activated, allowing the plug to be
2. Firmly pull the bar-code reader plug from the wand port.
3. Replace the wand port’s protective plug.
bar-code labels
Follow this procedure if you are scanning labels with a
pencil-wand bar-code reader. If you are using another type of
reader, see the instructions shipped with the reader.
1. Place the tip of the bar-code reader to the left or right of the
bars on the bar-code label. Make sure the reader touches
the label and is within 30 degrees of vertical in any
2. Draw the bar-code reader across the label with a smooth,
quick motion. The PTC beeps when the reader successfully
reads a label.
Note: Do not draw the reader across the label too slowly.
More scanning failures occur from scanning too slowly than
from scanning too quickly.
If the bar-code reader fails to read the label, the label may
be dirty. Wipe off the label and try again.
If the bar-code reader still fails to read the label, try
scanning across the top or bottom of the bars in the bar
code. If necessary, wipe off the tip of the bar-code reader.
The PTC-860 is able to communicate with other computers and
PTCs. How it communicates and how it is connected depends
on your data collection program and how your PTC-860 is
The PTC-860 can be set up for either one-way or two-way
communication. It can communicate through its optical coupler
or through its RS-232-type 25-pin connector.
The PTC-860 can be connected directly to a host computer or
another PTC, or it can be equipped with an optional modem to
communicate over telephone lines.
ᮣ Using the optical coupler
The PTC-860 has an optical coupler on the back of its unit. The
optical coupler converts electronic signals inside the PTC into
pulses of light that can be detected by the CS-860 Optical
Communication Station or the MCO-860 Four-Bay Cradle.
When the PTC-860 is placed in a cradle, an optical coupler on
the cradle senses the pulses of light from the PTC and converts
them into electronic signals for direct communication to the
host computer or, with an external modem, for transmission
over telephone lines.
Likewise, the cradle can communicate back to the PTC through
the optical couplers.
Communicating through the optical coupler requires the use of
an optical communication cradle. See the Guide to the CS-860
Optical Communication Station or the Guide to the MCO-860
Four-Bay Cradle for instructions.
CAUTION! Do not use a PTC-860NI with a CS-860 or an
MCO-860 in a hazardous location. Accessories are approved
for use with the PTC-860NI only in non-hazardous
ᮣ Using the 25-pin connector
To connect the PTC-860 to another computer or PTC via the
25-pin connector, you need the correct cable. Different cables
may be required depending on what you are connecting the
PTC to. See the manual or instructions your organization
supplies for your data collection program.
Connecting a cable
1. Make sure you have the correct cable for the device you are
connecting to. If you use the wrong cable, the PTC may not
be able to communicate.
2. Turn off the PTC.
3. Line up the connector on the cable with the connector on
the PTC. The pins on the cable’s connector fit into the holes
in the PTC’s connector.
4. Gently slip the connector on the cable over the connector on
the PTC and press them together. Do not use a rocking or
twisting motion when pressing the connectors together.
CAUTION! Do not force the connectors together if they do
not connect easily. You could bend the pins on the cable’s
5. Connect the other end of the cable to the computer or other
6. Turn on the PTC and then turn on the device it is
connected to.
7. To communicate, follow the instructions for your data
collection program.
Disconnecting a cable
CAUTION! When removing the cable from the PTC or
other device, grasp the cable connector head to remove the
cable. Pulling on the cable can break the wiring from the
cable connector.
1. Turn off the PTC-860.
2. Turn off the other computer or PTC.
3. Pull the cable’s connector directly away from the PTC’s
25-pin connector.
Do not pull at an angle.
Do not use a rocking or twisting motion when pulling the
connectors apart.
ᮣ Cloning
Cloning is a method for sending copies of data or programs
from one PTC to another. The specific keys to press, the
sequence to follow, and the prompts that display vary according
to your application. Therefore, this procedure describes only
the general process of cloning. Refer to your individual
application documentation for specific instructions.
Before beginning the cloning procedure, be sure both PTCs are
fully charged. If either PTC turns off during the cloning
operation, you must start the procedure again. In addition, you
should monitor the cloning procedure from start to finish. At
some points, the procedure requires action from you.
The primary PTC contains the data or program to be cloned.
The secondary PTC receives the program or data.
1. Perform any preparations for cloning.
2. Connect a clone cable to the 25-pin connector on the
primary PTC and to the 25-pin connector on the secondary
3. Follow your application’s cloning procedure.
4. When the data or program has been cloned successfully,
disconnect the clone cable from both PTCs.
the PTC-860
ᮣ Operating conditions
Each of the PTC-860 optical models can be operated at
temperatures between –20 degrees F (–29 degrees C) and 120
degrees F (49 degrees C).
The PTC-860 unit is designed to operate in environments that
are normally free of dust, dirt, and moisture.
The PTC-860ES is designed to work in rugged environments. It
has been specially sealed to resist dust, dirt, and moisture.
CAUTION! Although the PTC-860ES unit is designed to
operate in rugged environments, the available accessories
are not. Do not operate a PTC-860ES with any attached
accessories in excessively dusty, dirty, or moist conditions.
The PTC-860NI is designed for use in hazardous locations.
(Refer to the “Use in hazardous locations” section on page 9 for
information on the locations in which the unit is approved for
CAUTION! Do not operate a PTC-860NI with any
attached accessories in a hazardous location. Accessories
are approved for use with the PTC-860NI only in
non-hazardous locations.
ᮣ Handling the PTC-860
The following information can help to ensure you receive
reliable, trouble-free service from your PTC-860.
Do not open the PTC-860’s case. Only a trained technician
can service the parts inside the PTC’s case.
If you store a PTC-860 containing a nickel-cadmium battery
pack in below-freezing temperatures for more than 1 hour,
do not charge the battery pack until it warms up to room
Make sure the PTC-860 is off before you connect or remove
any accessories or replace the batteries.
Make sure all accessories connected by cable are connected
correctly and all accessories are locked into place.
Do not connect or use any accessories with a PTC-860NI in
a hazardous location.
Use only an AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack in the
Use only Telxon-approved batteries and accessories. Do not
attempt to connect any electrical device that is not part of
your PTC-860 system to the PTC-860.
Protect the PTC-860 from excessive heat, cold, and
moisture and from harsh, dirty environments.
Do not insert anything into the 25-pin connector.
Do not remove any of the rubber or plastic plugs on the
PTC-860’s case, except to add a bar-code reader.
ᮣ Storing the PTC-860
CAUTION! Do not store a PTC-860 for over two months
without charging the battery pack or replacing the alkaline
batteries. Otherwise, both the primary batteries and the
backup battery will drain, and any data or programs loaded
into the PTC’s memory will be lost.
Do not store the PTC-860 in temperatures below –20
degrees F (–29 degrees C) or above 160 degrees F (71
degrees C).
Do not store the PTC-860 in a damp or humid environment.
1. Transfer any data stored in the PTC to a host computer or
another PTC or print the data. See the manual or
instructions for your organization’s data collection program
for information.
2. Make sure you have a copy of any programs stored in the
3. Disconnect all accessories from the PTC.
4. Recharge the PTC’s battery pack or replace the alkaline
5. Pack the PTC in the original packing material or in a
padded box and put the PTC in a safe place, away from
dust, dirt, humidity, and excessive cold.
ᮣ Cleaning the PTC-860
CAUTION! Do not soak the cloth used to wipe the PTC-860
and do not spray or pour cleaning liquids directly onto the
To clean the PTC-860, slightly moisten a soft, clean, lint-free
cloth with a mild, nonabrasive cleaner and wipe the outside
To clean the PTC-860’s display, slightly moisten a soft, clean,
lint-free cloth with a mild glass cleaner and wipe.
Do not use a paper towel on any part of the PTC-860, including
the display.
If the PTC-860 becomes extremely dirty or if liquids, dirt, or
other foreign materials get inside the case, contact your Telxon
service representative.
ᮣ Servicing the PTC-860
Do not attempt to service the PTC. Only a trained Telxon
technician may service the PTC.
the batteries
The PTC-860’s AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or AA
alkaline batteries may be replaced when necessary.
CAUTION! Do not remove or install a PTC-860NI’s
battery pack in a hazardous location. These procedures
are approved for use with the PTC-860NI only in
non-hazardous locations.
Note: Once you remove the PTC’s batteries, the backup
battery, if used continuously, will protect stored programs and
data for up to twenty days. If you do not replace the batteries
within that time, your PTC’s stored programs and data will be
Equ ip m en t r equ ir ed :
A small screwdriver or the screwdriver on the
PTC-860’s elastic strap
ᮣ Removing the batteries
1. Turn off the PTC.
2. Lay the PTC facedown, with the bottom toward you.
3. Locate the battery door and the two screws securing it.
4. Unscrew the two screws using the small screwdriver.
Note: Do not remove the screws from the battery door. The
screws are designed to stay in the door when it is removed
from the PTC.
5. Lay the battery door facedown on your work surface. The
gasket on the inside of the door should be facing up.
CAUTION! Keep the gasket and the inside of the battery
door clean and free of dust and dirt. Dust or dirt on the
gasket could keep it from sealing properly.
6. Pick up the PTC.
7. Hold your free hand near the bottom of the PTC and tilt the
unit so the nickel-cadmium battery pack or battery case
with AA alkaline batteries slides out into your hand. You
may have to gently shake the PTC to get the battery pack
or case to slide out.
8. Tilt the battery case to slide out the old batteries.
ᮣ Installing new batteries
AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack
1. Locate the + sign molded into the PTC near the battery
compartment opening.
2. Examine the AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack. Locate
the + sign printed on the battery pack.
Inserting a battery pack
3. Make sure the + sign on the battery pack is on the same
side as the + sign on the PTC and the straight edge of the
battery pack is facing up (see Figure 5); then insert the
battery pack directly into the bottom of the PTC.
The battery pack has a spacer to prevent it from being
inserted incorrectly.
4. Pick up the battery door and look at the gasket on the
inside. Make sure the gasket is clean of dust and dirt. If
necessary, wipe it with a soft cloth.
5. Hold the battery door so the rounded corners are at the
bottom. The battery door will fit in place only if the rounded
corners are even with the back of the PTC.
6. Place the battery door over the opening in the bottom of the
PTC and line up the screws with the holes in the PTC.
7. Tighten the screws that hold the battery door in place.
Tighten them until they are snug but not more.
8. Turn on the PTC. It should not display any warning
messages if the battery pack has been inserted properly
and is charged.
AA alkaline batteries
CAUTION! Do not attempt to insert AA nickel-cadmium
batteries into the plastic battery case. The case is designed
for use with only AA alkaline batteries.
CAUTION! Do not attempt to use alkaline batteries in
AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack.
1. Hold the battery case in your hand with the battery
outlines molded in the plastic facing up.
2. Insert the batteries into the plastic battery case, making
sure they match the orientation of the polarity marks (+, -)
molded on the case. See Figure 6.
Inserting AA alkaline batteries
into the plastic battery case
3. Hold the battery case in one hand with the opening up and
the polarity marks facing you.
4. Insert the battery case, open end first, into the battery
CAUTION! Do not force the battery case into the battery
compartment. A raised tab on the left side of the battery
case prevents the case from being inserted incorrectly.
5. Pick up the battery door and look at the gasket on the
inside. Make sure the gasket is clean of dust and dirt. If
necessary, wipe it with a soft cloth.
6. Hold the battery door so the rounded corners are at the
bottom. The battery door will fit in place only if the rounded
corners are even with the back of the PTC.
7. Place the battery door over the opening in the bottom of the
PTC and line up the screws with the holes in the PTC.
8. Tighten the screws that hold the battery door in place.
Tighten them until they are snug but not more.
9. Turn on the PTC. It should not display any warning
messages if the batteries have been inserted properly and
are new.
Backup battery
Under average conditions, the backup battery will last a
number of years. When the backup battery fails, a warning
message displays on the PTC’s screen.
Because the backup battery is attached to one of the internal
circuit boards, it can be replaced only by a trained Telxon
service engineer. Send the PTC to a Telxon service depot to
have the backup battery replaced.
ᮣ The PTC does not turn on
Charge or replace the nickel-cadmium battery pack or
replace the alkaline batteries.
ᮣ The bar-code reader fails to read a label
Try scanning across the top or bottom of the bars on the
Make sure the bar-code reader is connected securely to the
Wipe off the bar-code label.
Wipe off the tip of the bar-code reader.
ᮣ The PTC shows a “Backup Battery Fault” message when you turn
it on
Turn on the backup battery.
Make sure the backup battery switch is pressed down
Have the backup battery replaced by a trained Telxon
ᮣ Other problems or difficulties with your PTC-860
Notify your Telxon service representative or contact the
Telxon Customer Support Center at 1-800-800-8010.
ppendix A
ᮣ Specifications
Data communications
via 25-pin connector:
Full duplex, 300 to 19.2 K bits per second
Four-cell AFAT nickel-cadmium battery
pack, 800 mAhr
Four AA alkaline batteries, 1500 mAhr
(not for PTC-860NI use)
Charger input
voltage requirement:
12 VDC 200 mA
Operating temperature: –20 to 120 degrees F
(–29 to 49 degrees C)
Storage temperature:
–20 to 160 degrees F
(–29 to 71 degrees C)
Operating humidity:
95% noncondensing
100% (PTC-860ES)
8.65 in/22 cm
3.3 in/8.4 cm
3.5 in/8.9 cm
1.7 in/4.3 cm
Width (keyboard):
Width (display):
(w/ AFAT battery pack) 25.5 oz/.7 kg
(w/ AA batteries)
24 oz/.68 kg
ppendix B
ᮣ Hardware part numbers
The following table contains part numbers for ordering
accessory hardware for the PTC-860 optical models.
Hardware part numbers
Part number
Ba tt er ies
Plastic battery case
Alkaline batteries
AFAT nickel-cadmium
battery pack
Battery charger
PTC-860 Fast Battery Charger
with cycling
without cycling
Ba r -cod e r ea d er s
Pencil wands
6 mil VR
6 mil IR
10 mil VR
10 mil IR
Laser diode scanner
HeNe scanner
See *
See *
Part number
P r in t er s
IP-24 Microprinter
MP-830 Microprinter
24-column version
24-column version kit
42-column version
42-column version kit
RM-80 Printer
Ad a p t or s
Mod em s
Cr a d les
CS-860 Optical Communication
w/o mounting hardware
w/ table mount hardware
w/ wall mount hardware
MCO-860 Four-Bay Cradle
w/o a modem
w/ a 202 modem
w/ a 212/224 modem
w/ a 224MV modem
Part number
Ca b les
PTC-to-IBM PC/AT cable***
PTC-to-IBM PC/XT cable****
Clone cable
PTC-to-1/2 duplex modem
PTC-to-full duplex modem
PTC-to-host (DTE) cable***
Ma n u a ls
Guide to the FLASH Utilities
(TCAL or MS-DOS Version)
Guide to Maintaining NiCd
Guide to the PTC-860 Fast
Battery Charger
Guide to the CS-860 Optical
Communication Station
Guide to the MCO-860
Four-Bay Cradle
Contact your Telxon sales representative to obtain part
numbers for these products.
** The last digit of the TCM-224 modem part number indicates
the country in which the modem is to be used. A 0 indicates
use in the U.S., and a 1 indicates use in Canada.
*** The middle digit in the last three numbers of these cable
part numbers indicates the cable length in feet. You may
adjust these numbers according to your requirements.
**** The first and second digits in the last three numbers of
this cable part number indicate whether the connector is
male (010 or 110) or female (000).
ppendix C
ᮣ Communication connections
Figures 7 through 12 provide information on the connections
used to establish and maintain communication between the
PTC-860 and other devices.
PTC-to-IBM PC/ AT cable, P/ N 13656-3X0
Describes a character set that contains letters, numbers, and
symbols such as punctuation marks.
A PTC program that is designed to perform a specific task for
the user. Examples include route accounting, payroll, price
lookup, shipping, and inventory control.
flash EPROM
An electronic component soldered into a PTC that contains
the unit’s data collection program. It can be erased and
reprogrammed while in the PTC.
bar code
A series of vertical bars and spaces used to encode numeric or
alphanumeric information. Bar codes are designed to be read by
electronic means such as bar-code readers or laser scanners.
An electrical device designed to recognize and decipher bar-code
labels. When the reader passes over the bar code, it converts the
bar code into electrical signals representing data. The PTC can
then enter this data into files in its memory.
Carrier detect signal. CD indicates that the modem is receiving
a signal from the remote modem.
A letter, number, or symbol.
The process of copying a program or data files from one PTC
directly to another.
Clear-to-send signal. CTS indicates that the line between a
modem and a terminal device is clear for transmission. CTS
typically follows a raised request-to-send (RTS) signal.
The transport of encoded information from one point to another.
Data communications equipment. A device that controls and
converts incoming data or communication. For example, a
The LCD screen on the front of the PTC. It shows data entered
into the PTC and warning prompts.
Data set ready signal. The modem sends DSR to the attached
device to indicate that the modem is connected, on, and ready.
Data terminal equipment. A device comprising the data source.
For example, the host computer.
Data terminal ready signal. The signal sent by the terminal
function key
A key on the PTC’s keyboard that is defined by an application to
perform a specific task. When pressed, a function key executes a
certain function (for example, ENTER, END, ON/OFF).
Equipment used in conjunction with programs or data
communication. Compare with software.
A personal computer or mainframe that receives and processes
data from PTCs.
The plastic label that lies on the PTC keyboard, identifying the
function key definitions.
Liquid crystal display. The PTC-860’s display is of this type.
Light-emitting diode.
Modulator-demodulator. A communication device that converts
serial digital data from a transmitting device to a signal suitable
for transmission over a telephone line and then reconverts the
signal to serial digital data for the receiving device.
Microsoft Disk Operating System.
battery pack
A type of rechargeable battery used to power the PTC and some
of its accessories.
Transport of information from one device to another without
interruption. In one-way communication, the receiving device
cannot respond directly to the sending device.
optical coupler
A device that converts electronic signals inside the PTC into
pulses of light that can be detected by an optical communication
Messages shown by the PTC that guide the operator through
the steps of a data collection program. Prompts vary for
different programs.
Portable Tele-Transaction Computer. A battery-powered,
hand-held, programmable device used to collect, store, and
transmit data.
Random access memory. In a PTC, RAM chips store the
program’s files and data entered by the operator.
Ring indicate signal. RI alerts a modem to a call waiting on the
attached telephone line.
An Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard that defines
the connector, connector pins, and signals used to transfer data
serially from one device to another.
sequence on a communication line between a modem and a
terminal device.
Receive data signal. RXD indicates that a device is currently
receiving data.
A stored program or set of programs that is loaded into RAM for
execution. Compare with hardware.
Telxon Common Application Language. Telxon’s proprietary
programming language for PTCs.
Exchange of information between two devices. After each block
of data, the receiving device sends a positive or negative
acknowledgment to the sending device.
Transmit data signal. TXD indicates that a device is currently
transmitting data.
25-pin connector, 22
Bar-code reader, 23, 25, 31
connecting, 33
communicating data, 37-38
connecting an accessory, 31-33
removing an accessory, 34
disconnecting, 34
entering data, 13-14
failure to read, 35, 49
part numbers, 52
scanning, 35
Bar codes, 14
Accessories, 15, 41
connecting, 31-33
scanning, 35
Battery chargers, 20-21, 25
part numbers, 52
Battery compartment, 25
Battery recharge posts, 26
Beeper, 30
removing, 34
used with PTC-860NI, 15
Accessory fasteners
latch plate, 22, 31-34
locking screw, 22, 31-34
slot, 22, 31-32
Beeps, 13, 21, 25
Adaptors, 31
part numbers, 53
Alkaline batteries, 15, 25, 50
inserting, 46-47
Cables, 31
removing, 44-45
connecting, 37-38
when weak, 19, 25, 30
Application flash EPROM, 22
Automatic off, 29
connections, 55-60
disconnecting, 38
part numbers, 54
Automatic return at on, 29
battery use in the PTC-860NI, 44, 46
pack, 20, 25
cleaning the PTC-860, 42
connecting an accessory to the
PTC-860NI, 31, 41
disconnecting cables, 38
inserting batteries, 44
inserting batteries into the battery
case, 46
Backlight, 29
Backup battery, 23, 44
replacing, 48
turning on, 17-19
Backup battery switch, 19, 23
joining connectors, 20, 32, 37
keeping battery door clean, 45
reprogramming a PTC-860NI’s
flash EPROM, 22
Features, 29-30
storing a PTC-860, 23, 25, 42
using a bar-code reader with a
PTC-860NI, 25
Green LED, 21, 26
using a PTC-860NI with a cradle, 37
Charging the nickel-cadmium battery
pack, 19-25
Charging time, 21, 25
Handling the PTC-860, 41
Hardware part numbers, 52-54
Host computer, 14, 28, 36
Cleaning the PTC-860, 42-43
Clock, 30
Clone cable, 39, 54, 57
Cloning, 14, 38-39
Communicating data, 14-15, 36-39
Communication connections, 55-60
Cradles, 20, 26, 28, 36-37
part numbers, 53
Keyboard, 26-27
data keys, 26-27
CS-860, 20, 36-37
entering data through, 14
ENTER/YES key, 27
function keys, 26-27
number of keys, 26
ON/OFF key, 27
part numbers, 53
Customer Support Center
contacting, 49
SHIFT key, 27
Keyboard overlay, 28
Display, 26
backlight, 29
Downloading, 14
optical coupler, 28
Lithium cell, 30
Locking latch, 32-34
Locking screw, 22, 31-34
Low-battery LED, 19, 25-26
Elastic strap, 26
Electrical specifications, 50
Entering data, 13-14
with a bar-code reader, 14
via cloning or downloading, 14
through the keyboard, 14
Maintaining the PTC-860, 40-43
Packing material
saving, 17
part numbers, 54
using, 42
MCO-860, 20, 36-37
part numbers, 53
Memory, 30
Parts, 22-28
Physical specifications, 50-51
Power backup system, 30
Printers, 20, 31
Messages, 13
backup battery, 21, 48, 49
low battery, 21, 25
Models of PTC-860s, 15, 16
Modems, 14, 31, 36
part numbers, 53
part numbers, 53
Prompts, 13
checking, 21
cleaning, 42-43
compared to other models, 15
dimensions, 50
entering data, 13-14
failure to turn on, 49
features, 29-30
Nickel-cadmium battery pack,
15, 25, 41-42, 50
handling, 41
charge time, 21, 25
charging, 19-21, 42
disposing of, 12
items shipped with unit, 16
maintaining, 40-43
models, 15, 16
installing, 45-46
part number, 52
removing, 44-45
operating conditions, 40-41
operating temperature, 40, 50
overview, 13-15
when weak, 19, 25, 30
part numbers, 52-54
parts, 22-28
servicing, 43
specifications, 50-51
storage temperature, 42, 50
storing, 42
Operating conditions, 40-41
Operating temperature, 40, 50
Optical coupler, 28
unpacking, 16-17
communicating data, 36-37
compared to other models, 15
of the PTC-860, 13-15
compared to other models, 15
responsibility for use, 9
safety information, 9-12
use of accessories, 15
use in hazardous locations, 9-12
RS-232 connector, 28, 36
Wand port, 23, 28, 31
connecting a bar-code reader, 33
disconnecting a bar-code reader,
Warnings, 21, 48
Safety information, 9-12
disposing of battery packs, 12
PTC-860NI, 9-12
PTC-860NI, 10
Scanning, 25, 35
failures, 35, 49
Screwdriver, 28
Servicing the PTC-860, 43
Shipping damage, 17
electrical, 50
environmental, 50
physical, 50-51
Storage temperature, 42, 50
Storing the PTC-860, 42
operating, 40, 50
storage, 42, 50
Troubleshooting, 49
backup battery fault, 49
bar-code reader failure, 49
other problems with the PTC-860,
PTC does not turn on, 49
Unpacking the PTC-860, 16-17
Telxon Corporation/3330 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44334/216-867-3700/800-800-8001
Part No. 14767-701-03
Printed in U.S.A.
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