Release Bulletin
Adaptive Server® IQ 12.4.0
Digital UNIX
Document ID: 74950-01-1240-01
Last revised: September 10, 1999
1. Product summary
2. Restrictions
3. Installation Instructions
4. Documentation for this version
5. Special migration instructions
6. Changed functionality in this version
7. Known problems
8. Product compatibilities
9. Documentation updates and clarifications
10. Technical Support
11. Other sources of information
1. Product summary
Enclosed is Adaptive Server™ IQ version 12.4.0, which is compatible
with the following platform and operating system configurations:
Digital UNIX V4.0d
Digital UNIX V4.0e
Copyright 1989-1999 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. Sybase, the Sybase logo, Data Workbench, InfoMaker,
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Web.SQL, WorkGroup SQL Server, XA-Library, XA-Server, and XP Server are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. Other
product names used herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase or other companies. 1/99
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Converting 12.0.x databases to 12.4.0
To obtain patches, download them from the website at
Note These patches require that you rebuild your kernel. You must halt your
system and then boot from the console after the new kernel is put into place.
When installing patches, log in as the “root” (superuser) and follow the
directions provided with the patch. All tasks for adjusting the operating system
configuration must be performed as “root”.
Failure to install the appropriate patches before starting Adaptive Server IQ
requires reinstalling Adaptive Server IQ.
2. Restrictions
Read this section! Your system may produce unexpected results if you ignore
the restrictions and other instructions listed below.
If you are upgrading from version 11.x to 12.4.0, see chapter 3 of the Adaptive
Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide for further restrictions.
Converting 12.0.x
databases to 12.4.0
Before you can use a database created with earlier versions of Adaptive Server
IQ, you must run the script upgrasiq.sql, located in the $ASDIR/scripts
directory. For example, to update a database named old.db:
% dbisql -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dbn=old;eng=servername"
If you do not run this script, errors like the following may occur when you use
certain front end tools with the ODBC driver to import or link to a table:
The operation failed. There are too many indexes
on table ’amadbdbo_midtown’.
Delete some of the indexes on the table
and try the operation again.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Insert into table from remote SQL database not supported
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
You must run upgrasiq.sql once for each 12.0.x database to upgrade it to
Note For Adaptive Server IQ versions 12.0.3, 12.03.1, and 12.4.0: Due to a
timing related issue, the database server process will sometimes hang if an IQ
database is started on the command line. For a workaround, see the readme file
included with the software.
Insert into table from
remote SQL database
not supported
Adaptive Server IQ for Digital UNIX does not include Open Client Libraries.
Current communications libraries (up to and including EBF 8263) do not
support native kernel-threading. Therefore, using current communications
libraries, you will be unable to insert data directly from Adaptive Server
Enterprise using the INSERT INTO tablename LOCATION command. Place
such data in an ASCII file and load it using the LOAD command.
For this release, to obtain the best performance, Sybase recommends the
following minimum IQ page sizes:
32 KB (IQ PAGE SIZE 32768) for a database containing up to 10 million
64 KB (IQ PAGE SIZE 65536) for a database containing up to 100 million
rows. Note that this is the default IQ page size.
128 KB (IQ PAGE SIZE 131072) for databases with more than 100 million
Do not create any databases with an IQ PAGE SIZE of less than 16KB.
Query restrictions
By default Adaptive Server IQ cursors are scrollable, meaning that
Adaptive Server IQ keeps all the query results in a buffer so that you can
scroll backwards. If the query returns more than a few thousand rows of
output, you can improve performance by issuing the following command
before running the query:
SET TEMPORARY OPTION Force_No_Scroll_Cursors = ’ON’
Adaptive Server IQ does not support Transact-SQL style outer joins on
expressions. The workaround is to use ANSI style outer joins instead.
For example, statements containing clauses like the following are
The following outer join format is supported:
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable
3. Installation Instructions
For complete installation instructions, see Adaptive Server IQ Installation and
Feature Guide for Compaq Digital UNIX.
3.1 Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable
You must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before running
Adaptive Server IQ and utilities.
For instructions on setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable,
see the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide.
4. Documentation for this version
The table below lists the documentation for Adaptive Server IQ version 12.4.0.
All documentation for Version 12.4.0 is available in one of two formats:
* indicates document found on the Adaptive Server IQ Technical Library
CD. Hard copy documentation can be ordered separately.
** indicates document may be provided in hard copy.
Table 1: Current Adaptive Server IQ documentation
Part Number
Book Title
Release Bulletin Adaptive Server IQ for Digital
Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide
for Digital Unix**
Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Adaptive Server IQ Reference*
Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ*
If you are also using Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex, please refer to the
following documentation for further instructions:
Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex Installation and
Feature Guide for Digital UNIX
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Accessing Current Release Bulletin Information
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Depending on how you use Adaptive Server IQ, you may also need to refer to
the documentation for Adaptive Server Anywhere. Refer to the Version 6.02
edition of Adaptive Server Anywhere documentation on the Sybase Technical
Library Web site, for the most current information that applies to Adaptive
Server IQ. Older editions of the Adaptive Server Anywhere User’s Guide and
Adaptive Server Anywhere Programming Interfaces Guide are included on the
Adaptive Server IQ Technical Library CD and in the printed documentation
4.1 Accessing Current Release Bulletin Information
A more recent version of this Release Bulletin may be available on the World
Wide Web. To check for critical product or document information added after
the release of the product CD, use the Sybase Technical Library Product
Manual Web site.
To access release bulletins at the Technical Library Product Manual Web site:
Go to
Click the Manuals tab.
From the drop-down list choose Adaptive Server IQ.
In the window on the right, under Platform-Specific Collections, choose
the appropriate version link.
In the window on the right, choose the release bulletin for your platform.
5. Special migration instructions
See the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide for instructions on
migrating to Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0 from earlier versions.
If you participated in the Adaptive Server IQ Beta Program and have not yet
upgraded to any GA (General Availability) version, please call technical
Support before upgrading to Version 12.4.0
The “Restrictions” in this Release Bulletin lists late-breaking requirements.
Please read this section before running a new version of Adaptive Server IQ.
5.1 Obtaining query plans
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Changed functionality in Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
In version 11.x, you could output the query plan using the command IQ SET
QUERYINFO ON. In Adaptive Server IQ 12.0, run the following command to
output the query plan:
The plan will be in the .IQMSG file.
If you want additional detail or are sending the plan to Technical Support you
can use:
6. Changed functionality in this version
The following sections describe changes since the Adaptive Server IQ
documentation set was updated.
6.1 Changed functionality in Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
This section summarizes new features and other changes to Adaptive Server IQ
12.4.0. Details of most of these features are provided in “Documentation
updates and clarifications” on page 14.
Improved handling of out-of-space conditions If you run out of disk
space, Adaptive Server IQ now provides better assurance that you will be
able to add space where you need it.
•Adaptive Server IQ now reserves space so you can issue a create
dbspace command. You can control the amount of space reserved by
setting two new options, Reserved_Main_DBSpace_MB and
Reserved_Temp_DBSpace_MB. For details on these options, see
“New options for reserving space” on page 34.
•The error message now specifies the amount of space you need to add in
megabytes, and matches the syntax in create dbspace.
It is extremely unlikely that you will ever need to bring down the server to
add space. For revised documentation on what to do if you run out of
space, see “Insufficient disk space” on page 35.
Forced recovery and leaked space recovery Adaptive Server IQ
12.4.0 adds better support for recovering from crashed and potentially
corrupt databases. It also adds support for recovering leaked storage space.
For details of these features, see “Forced recovery and leaked space
recovery” on page 36.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Improved stored procedure output
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Improved stored procedure output Stored procedures now display
output in units that are easier to understand.
Minimum password length Database administrators can specify a
minimum password length, to discourage easily discovered passwords.
For more information, see “MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH option” on
page 42
ODBC 3.51
The ODBC driver has been updated to ODBC 3.51. This
version of ODBC includes support for Unicode applications.
For more information, see “ODBC conformance” in the online edition of
the Adaptive Server Anywhere Programming Interfaces Guide, Version
Control of allowed JOIN syntax
table queries have been allowed that have ambiguous join clauses. In the
present release, you can set an option to disallow such queries.
In previous releases, some multi-
For more information, see “EXTENDED_JOIN_SYNTAX option” on
page 28.
Zero-length data storage If the length of a CHAR or VARCHAR cell is
zero and the cell is not NULL, Adaptive Server IQ creates a zero-length
cell, not a NULL. This change reverts to the original behavior in Adaptive
Server IQ 12, as documented Chapter 5 of the Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide.
6.2 Changed functionality in Adaptive Server IQ 12.03.1
This section summarizes new features and other changes to Adaptive Server IQ
added in Version 12.03.1 and not yet included in the documentation.
sp_iqstatus displays IQ Page Size See “SP_IQSTATUS now displays
IQ Page Size” on page 42 for more information.
LOAD_MEMORY_MB option This option replaces several older options
for adjusting memory use during loads. For more information see
“LOAD_MEMORY_MB option” on page 30.
JOIN_PREFERENCE option Two new values were added for the
JOIN_PREFERENCE option. For more information see
“JOIN_PREFERENCE Option” on page 31.
Command-line options for server caching Two new server switches
override the database cache parameters you set with the SET OPTION
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
stop_asiq utility
•-iqmc sets the size of the main buffer cache
•-iqtc sets the size of the temporary buffer cache
See “Additions to the start_asiq or asiqsrv12 command-line options” on
page 15 for details.
stop_asiq utility You can stop the server using the stop_asiq utility. For
more information see “stop_asiq utility” on page 18.
6.3 Changed functionality in Adaptive Server IQ 12
Adaptive Server IQ 12 takes a giant step forward from earlier versions. Among
the most important new features it includes are:
Transactional database capabilities with table-level versioning
The ability to update the database concurrently with queries by multiple
A new, more efficient database format
More intelligent index loading, allowing faster loads for many indexes
Syntactic compatibility with Adaptive Server Anywhere, allowing
Anywhere users to build on their existing knowledge base as they begin to
use Adaptive Server IQ
Support for Transact-SQL
Additional query and view support
Improved front end support
See the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide Chapter 3,
“Migrating Data from Prior Versions,” for important notes about how new
features change database creation and connection.
7. Known problems
For a description of known problems in Adaptive Server IQ version 12.4.0, see
the following sections. If there is a workaround for a problem, it is provided.
See also “Restrictions” for more information.
“Documentation updates and clarifications” contains details that were not
documented in time for this release.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Data definition
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
7.1 Data definition
This section reports problems with data definition.
7.1.1 Temporary tables in procedures
When you include an automatically created temporary table in a procedure, the
table should be dropped automatically when the procedure completes.
In Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0, however, the table is not dropped. As a result, it
becomes visible outside the procedure, and a new instance of the table is
created each time the procedure executes. These tables instances are not
dropped until you disconnect.
This problem will be corrected in a future release. As a workaround in this
release, put an explicit
drop table #temp_table_name
at the end of the procedure.
For example, the following procedure has been corrected so that the
automatically created temporary table, #temp0, is explicitly dropped and will
not be replicated.
create procedure foo
select * into #temp0 from table
drop table #temp0 /* this line fixes the problem*/
7.2 Adaptive Server IQ Queries
This section reports problems with Adaptive Server IQ queries.
7.2.1 ANY, SOME, and ALL subquery support
Adaptive Server IQ does not yet support subqueries that use the ANY, ALL or
SOME keywords. For example:
>= ALL
<= ALL
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Large IN subqueries
!= ALL
If you use an unsupported query in this group, Adaptive Server IQ returns an
error like the following:
Feature, ANY, not yet implemented
Queries of this type can always be expressed in terms of IN subqueries or scalar
subqueries using MIN and MAX set functions.
7.2.2 Large IN subqueries
There is a known performance limitation in Adaptive Server IQ version 12 that
affects IN subqueries that return more than 1 million distinct values; such
queries should be rewritten in term of correlated EXISTS subqueries until this
server limitation is addressed.
7.3 Adaptive Server IQ Operations
This section reports problems with Adaptive Server IQ operations.
7.3.1 Output to file in DBISQL
There are known problems in using the output to file feature from a DBISQL
session that will cause a server to abort. Do not use this feature in this release.
Instead, put > filename on the end of a select statement.
The cases that cause the abort are:
Using the feature when the IQ option Force_No_Scroll_Cursors is set to
Performing a rollback command following the output to command, as in
select * from ....;
output to file;
7.3.2 Changing length of DBISQL column values
By default, the maximum length of column values displayed by DBISQL is 30
characters. This may be inadequate for displaying output of stored procedures
such as sp_iqstatus.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
User-defined variable issue
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
To avoid truncated output, increase the length by setting the truncation_length
option as follows:
Alternatively, from the DBISQL menu select Command→Options and enter a
higher value for Limit Display Columns and/or Limit Output Columns.
7.3.3 User-defined variable issue
User-defined variables will core dump if used in IQ queries.
7.3.4 DBSPAWN ERROR when starting a server
When attempting to start a server, you may get the following message:
DBSPAWN ERROR -96 -- database engine already running
This means that dbspawn is finding the shared memory segment of a
previously started server, and is unable to create a shared memory segment.
To resolve this issue, subsequent servers should be started with the parameter
-hs which will turn off shared memory. For example:
start_asiq @kent.cfg kent.db -hs
All servers can be started with shared memory “off”. Note that if shared
memory is turned off, then you will have to connect to the server using TCP/IP,
instead of using the default shared memory connection.
7.3.5 Unsupported terminal types cause DBISQL error
If you set the terminal type to “dumb” or “unknown”, then start DBISQL,
Adaptive Server IQ returns an error. For example:
% setenv TERM dumb % dbisql
Error at line 1
Unable to initialize screen routines
To avoid problems, use an xterm window to run DBISQL on UNIX systems.
For example, you can start an xterm window with a scroll bar as follows:
% xterm -sb
7.3.6 Adding a raw disk dbspace
Do not specify the optional SIZE clause when adding a raw disk dbspace.
Adaptive Server IQ will correctly calculate the size of the raw disk without it.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Sybase Central
7.4 Sybase Central
This section reports problems with the Adaptive Server IQ plug-in for Sybase
7.4.1 Problems with Add User-defined Data Type wizard
When you create a user-defined data type, the Adaptive Server IQ plug-in
allows you to specify a default value incompatible with the user-defined base
data type. For example, if you specify base type integer, you may insert a
character string ’test’as default value.
In the Set Properties screen, the Add User-defined Data Type wizard lets you
select, “Do not allow null values.” Currently, you may select this option, but
after you finish and open properties on the data type, it displays Yes next to
“Allows null.”
7.4.2 DSE not installed on Windows client systems
On Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 client systems, running the Directory Services
Editor (DSE) utility from Sybase Central returns the following error:
Error Executing dsedit. Check
that the applications location
is in your Search path.
The Directory Services Editor is not installed with the Adaptive Server IQ
Client Components on Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems. If you do not
install Open Client, you cannot run Open Client utilities.
7.4.3 Add Service utility installed only with Server Components
Adaptive Server IQ NT Service Manager is not installed with the Client
Components. Do not use the Add Service utility on Windows NT unless you
have the Adaptive Server IQ Server Components running on the same system.
If you attempt to do so, Sybase Central returns the following error:
Error Executing ASIQ Service. Check
that the applications location
is in your Search path.
If you do not install Open Client, you cannot run Open Client utilities.
7.4.4 Notification message setting omitted from Index Properties
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Data Type column in Table Editor retains focus
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
When you use the Add Index Wizard to create a new index, the Choose IQ
Index Type screen lets you specify the number of records that should be added
before sending a notification message. The properties screen for the index does
not display this setting, however.
7.4.5 Data Type column in Table Editor retains focus
In rare situations in the Table Editor, the focus may stay on the Data Type
column when tabbing through the Table Editor.
8. Product compatibilities
See the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide for Digital UNIX
for a list of client application tools that have been certified with Adaptive
Server IQ version 12.4.0.
9. Documentation updates and clarifications
This section contains information omitted from documentation and new
information that needs emphasis. It is organized into the following categories:
Startup, shutdown, and connection
Data definition (DDL)
Data manipulation (DML)
Backup and system administration
Client application
Help file
9.1 Startup, shutdown, and connection
9.1.1 Server startup requirements
The following clarification should be added to the Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide.
You should always use the start_asiq utility to start the server on UNIX
platforms. If you do not, among the tasks you must do which the utility
normally does for you are:
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Additions to the start_asiq or asiqsrv12 command-line options
Remove all limits, and then set limits on the stack size and descriptors. To
do so, go to the C shell and issue these commands:
% unlimit
% limit stacksize 8192
% limit descriptors 4096
Note Note that unlimit affects soft limits only. If you have any hard limits,
you must change them by setting kernel parameters.
Set all server parameters appropriately in the asiqsrv12 command.
9.1.2 Additions to the start_asiq or asiqsrv12 command-line options
Two server startup switches for database caching are new as of version 12.03.1.
The following details about these new options will be added to the next update
of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide and the
Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
Two parameters for the start_asiq (on UNIX) or the asiqsrv12 command line
override the database cache parameters that are set using the SET OPTION
command. If the user has not set the parameters, the defaults are 8MB for the
main cache size and 4MB for the temporary cache size. The following new
server switches override values of the database options.
-iqmc number_of_MB
Specify main cache size in MB. (Overrides
-iqtc number_of_MB
Specify temporary cache size in MB. (Overrides
Two other new command-line options, -iqfrec and -iqdroplks, let you force
database recovery, and recover leaked space. See “Forced recovery and leaked
space recovery” on page 36 for details.
9.1.3 Specifying server switches
The range of permissible values for the -iqsmem switch was listed incorrectly
in Chapters 2 and 12 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide, and in Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Reference. The
correct range is platform-specific. For Digital UNIX systems the range is up to
28,000 MB. The start_asiq utility does not set this switch on Digital UNIX
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
-gm command line option
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
The -iqmt switch is not set by start_asiq on Digital UNIX systems. The setting
listed in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide and
the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide is incorrect. The default
value is calculated from the number of connections and the number of CPUs,
and is usually adequate.
9.1.4 -gm command line option
The description of the server parameter -gm in the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference Manual should read as follows.
-gm num
Limit the number of connections to the server that can be active
at one time. If this number is greater than the number that is allowed under
licensing constraints, it has no effect. The value should approximate the
number of users expected to connect to the server.
9.1.5 -gn command-line option
The -gn server parameter should be added to Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server
IQ Reference Manual and to “Controlling performance from the command
line” in Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Set the number of execution threads for the Catalog Store.
asiqsrv12 -gn integer...
Applies to
All operating systems and servers.
Set the number of execution threads that will be used for the Catalog Store and
connectivity while running with multiple users.
On Windows NT you need to specify this parameter in the asiqsrv12
command. To calculate its value use the following formula:
gn_value = gm_value - (( 2 * num_CPUs ) + 10)
Specify a minimum of 25.
On UNIX platforms, the start_asiq utility sets this parameter. See the Adaptive
Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide for your platform for more
9.1.6 Using -v switch on 64-bit platforms
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Confirming connections
The following note should be added to Chapter 2, “The Database Server,” after
the description of the -v server switch.
Note In order to display the version on 64–bit platforms, you must do the
Run start_asiq -v instead, which will set up the correct paths, environment,
iq parameters, etc... Anything you pass to start_asiq will be passed to
asiqsrv12. End users should always use start_asiq.
Add $ASDIR/lib/iqstubs to the beginning of the library path. However,
remember, once you set this you will not be able to use any executables in
$SYBASE, as they will now pick up the wrong libraries.
9.1.7 Confirming connections
In Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, in the section “Introduction to connections”, the second paragraph
incorrectly states that select can be used to confirm a connection.
The correct syntax is:
select db_name()
to display the current database, or
select db_name([database_id])
to display any database you specify.
9.1.8 Using ODBC connectivity with UNIX
On UNIX systems, Adaptive Server IQ installation installs only the ODBC
driver, and not the driver manager. If you are using an ODBC application that
uses ( or (, simply
create symbolic links for these that point to $SYBASE/asiq12/lib/
If you are creating a custom ODBC application, you can link directly to
References to ODBC functions are resolved at run time. On UNIX, ODBC data
sources are held in a file named .odbc.ini. Edit this file with any text editor to
specify data sources. For details, see “Using ODBC data sources on UNIX,” in
Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Using a .odbc.ini file
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
If Adaptive Server IQ does not detect the presence of an ODBC driver
manager, it will use ~/.odbc.ini for data source information. Otherwise, it will
query the driver manager for data source information.
9.1.9 Using a .odbc.ini file
The following corrections apply to “Using ODBC data sources on UNIX,” in
Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide.
When creating a .odbc.ini file on any UNIX system, you must use the long
form of each identifier, as follows:
[My Data Source]
The database server looks for the .odbc.ini file in:
The directory specified by the ODBCHOME environment variable
The directory specified by the HOME environment variables
The path
The database server ignores the ODBC_HOME, ODBC_INI and ODBCINI
environment variables.
9.1.10 stop_asiq utility
The stop_asiq utility is new for version 12.03.1. Use this command to shut
down an Adaptive Server IQ server and close all user connections to it.
When you issue the stop_asiq command, Adaptive Server IQ lists Adaptive
Server IQ processes for your user ID and asks if you want to stop them. For
express@janed> stop_asiq
Checking system for ASIQ 12 Servers ...
The following 1 process(es) were found.
janed 6331 1 1 14:42:21 pts/1
0:19 asiqsrv12
Do you want to stop the above process(es) <Y/N>?
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Addition to STOP DATABASE statement
If you type Y (yes), the following message displays:
Shutting down asiqsrv12 ......... (server shutdown).
If you type N, you are returned to the system prompt and IQ does not shut down
the server. If no running servers were started by your user ID, Adaptive Server
IQ displays information about processes run by other users, as follows:
express@janed> stop_asiq
Checking system for ASIQ 12 Servers ...
There are no ASIQ 12 Servers on this system owned by
There were 6 other ASIQ 12 processes(s) found
aharring 13870 13869 0 Jun 07 ?
1:20 asiqsrv12
-c 16m -gc 6000 -gd all -gr 6000 -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti
4400 -tl 300 asi
teds 16255 5843 0 Jun 07 pts/27 0:03 asiqsrv12 -
gd all -tl 120 -gm 10 -n writer -gp 4096 -x
jamesfay 3683
1 0 23:32:14 ?
14:33 asiqsrv12
-gc 6000 -gr 6000 -gm 10 -n express_daily_49765 -c 16M
-gp 4096 -gd a
redisch 5486
1 4 10:10:40 pts/6 348:20 asiqsrv12
-c 16m -gc 6000 -gd all -gr 6000 -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti
4400 -tl 300 -n
maryc 16800
@mary.cfg asiqdemo.db -o
1 0 Jun 07 ?
30:10 asiqsrv12
ambler 26982
1 0 Jun 09 pts/18 13:11 asiqsrv12
@asiqdemo.cfg -N 6
Be sure to check with users before shutting down their servers.
9.1.11 Addition to STOP DATABASE statement
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Error in DBSTOP example
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
The following information should be added to the STOP DATABASE statement
in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
When you issue
STOP DATABASE database-name
the database-name is the name specified in the -n parameter when the database
is started, or in the DBN (DatabaseName) connection parameter. This name is
typically the file name of the database file that holds the Catalog Store, without
the .db extension.
9.1.12 Error in DBSTOP example
The Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ documentation on the Stop utility is
incomplete. In the section “Shutting down a database server,” in Chapter 3, the
UNIX system example shows no command parameters.
When you stop the server with the DBSTOP command, you need to specify the
same parameters as when you started the server. Using a configuration file to
start the server ensures that you will be able to find these parameters when you
need them.
9.1.13 Disconnect details omitted
The following information was omitted from the Introduction to Adaptive
Server IQ: It should be added in Chapter 4 after the section titled “Viewing
connected users”:
Disconnecting users
If there are multiple connected users, Sybase Central lists them when you
attempt to disconnect.
When you choose Tools —> Disconnect —> Adaptive Server IQ, a Filter
Objects dialog box appears. Each database name is qualified by a server name,
for example:
myserver.asiqdemo (DBA)
Select the desired database to disconnect and click OK.
9.1.14 Configuration files do not accept quotes
Do not use either single or double quotes when specifying server switches in
configuration files.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
-Z switch must be uppercase
The parameter string in the sample configuration file shown in Chapter 2 of the
Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide should be
corrected to:
-n Elora
-c 16M
-x tcpip(port=2367)
-gm 10
-gp 4096
9.1.15 -Z switch must be uppercase
In Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, in the seventh bulleted item under “What to do if you can't connect to
an Adaptive Server IQ database, the -z command-line option should be -Z. This
switch must always be specified uppercase.
9.2 Data definition (DDL)
9.2.1 Change to CREATE DATABASE statement
The defaults and minimums for the IQ SIZE and TEMPORARY SIZE
parameters of CREATE DATABASE, for operating system files only, were
stated incorrectly in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference. The default and
minimum value depend on IQ PAGE SIZE.
Table 2: Default and minimum sizes of IQ and Temporary Stores
SIZE default
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
In the MESSAGE PATH clause of CREATE DATABASE you must specify an
operating system file. The message file cannot be on a raw partition. This is a
correction to the Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
9.2.3 Low_Disk functions as High_Group
LD (Low_Disk) has been changed to function like HG (High_Group). It is no
longer supported by a separate index and therefore does not offer any benefit
beyond using HG. LD is still a valid syntax and may be used for compatibility
with older versions.
9.2.4 Column Limit Correction
In Chapter 13 of the Adaptive Server IQ Reference the limit is incorrectly
specified as 999 columns. The correct limit is 10,000 columns.
9.2.5 Joint Virtual Table (JVT) definition
A Join Virtual Table is a denormalized table which looks like a regular table; it
has a name, columns, rows, and indexes. Unlike a regular table, however, a
JVT cannot be created, modified or deleted by the user. It is created by
Adaptive Server IQ as a result of a Create Join Index for internal processing
purposes. It is deleted when the user does a Drop Join Index.
Error messages relating to join virtual tables appear only when a user tries to
use or modify a JVT directly.
9.2.6 IQ database file paths must be unique
When you create a database or a dbspace, the path for the Temporary Store
must differ from the path for the IQ Store. If your CREATE DATABASE or
CREATE DBSPACE command specifies the identical path and filename for
these two stores, you receive an error. This requirement was omitted from the
Adaptive Server IQ Reference and the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide.
You can cause a unique path in any of these ways:
Specify a different extension for each file (for example, and
Specify a different file name (for example, and
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Error documenting IQ PATH
Specify a different pathname (for example, /iqfiles/main/iq and
/iqfiles/temp/iq or different raw partitions
Omit TEMPORARY PATH when you create the database. In this case, the
temporary store is created in the same path as the Catalog Store, with the
default name and extension dbname.iqtmp where dbname is the database
Warning! On UNIX platforms, you must be careful not to specify filenames
that are links to the same file. IQ cannot detect where linked files point to. If
the filenames in the command differ but they point to the same file, your
database will be corrupted.
In Sybase Central, the Create Database utility fails if you do not provide
extensions for file names. The Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ fails to
mention this and also does not mention that file extensions are needed when
operating system files are used.
9.2.7 Error documenting IQ PATH
In Chapter 3 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, the example shown in the section titled “Specifying an IQ PATH”
should be corrected. The example shows where Adaptive Server IQ puts the
message and log files when you do not specify the Temporary and Message
PATHS. It should read:
The Temporary Store is in /disk1/iqdata/company.iqtmp
The IQ message log file is in /disk1/iqdata/company.iqmsg
9.2.8 Error in raw partition limit
The Adaptive Server IQ Reference contains an error in the CREATE
DATABASE statement description of the IQ PATH clause. The statement that
raw partitions cannot be larger than 2GB is incorrect. The current limit is
128GB per file or dbspace, with a limit of 2047 dbspaces.
9.2.9 Error on CREATE DBSPACE
The CREATE DBSPACE command may occasionally return the following
1999-02-05 16:09:45 0002 [20152]:
You have run out of IQ STORE dbspace
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
in database /tech1/iq/cdrdb.db.
In another session, please issue a CREATE DBSPACE ...
IQ STORE command
and add a dbspace of at least 1000 blocks.
After commit and checkpoint messages, the following error displays:
1999-02-05 16:12:53 0001
Exception Thrown from hos_ion.cxx:170,
Err# 4, tid 102 origtid 102
1999-02-05 16:12:53 0001
O/S Err#: 2, ErrID: 522 (hos_ioexception)
1999-02-05 16:12:53 0001 File does not exist.
File: /tech1/iq/cdrdb.iq2
-- (hos_ion.cxx 170)
After many intervening commit and checkpoint messages, the following
message displays:
The DBA has added 1 IQ STORE dbspaces
to database /tech1/iq/cdrdb.db.
Adaptive Server IQ (TM) is no longer
waiting for more dbspace.
1999-02-05 16:14:52 0002 [20902]: Insert completed.
Index ’CDR.DBA.CDR_FE_FP_lf’,
These messages are only informational. This is normal behavior as the server
verifies that the dbspace does not yet exist, and no action is required. Such
messages will be suppressed in a future release.
9.2.10 SIZE clause of CREATE DBSPACE
This clarification affects the Adaptive Server IQ Reference and Adaptive Server
IQ Administration and Performance Guide.
You can only specify SIZE for the IQ Store and IQ Temporary Store, not for the
Catalog Store.
9.2.11 Addition to DROP DATABASE statement
The following information should be added to the DROP DATABASE
statement in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
The database must be stopped before you can drop it. If the connection
parameter AUTOSTOP=no is used, you may need to issue a STOP DATABASE
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Recommended index types
9.2.12 Recommended index types
In the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide, Chapter 4,
“Adaptive Server IQ Indexes,” in Table 1–2, Query type/index, the
recommended index types for COUNT and range predicate are incorrect. The
correct types are:
Type of Query Usage
Recommended Index Type
LF or HG
As COUNT argument
In range predicate in WHERE clause (>, LF or HNG
<, >=, <=, BETWEEN
Note While HNG is recommended, in certain cases LF or HG is faster, and is
often used in place of HNG. HNG tends to give consistent performance, while
the performance of LF or HG with ranges depends on the size of the range
9.2.13 Changes to “Using join indexes”
The section “Using join indexes” in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide, Chapter 4, “Adaptive Server IQ Indexes, has several
errors, described below.
Privileges needed to create a join index
The book states that you must be the owner of a table or the DBA to create,
alter, or synchronize a join index that includes that table.
If you are not the DBA, you need to be owner of the table and have
RESOURCE authority in order to create a join index.
One-to-many relationship
The following changes apply to the subsection “One-to-many relationship.”
The first sentence of the third paragraph should read, “If the join column is
made up of more than one column, the combination of the values must be
unique on the “one” side.
The example described in the third and fourth paragraphs is changed to match
the asiqdemo database, and include sample rows that were omitted. The
warning that follows these paragraphs is also changed. The corrected
paragraphs read as follows:
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Changes to “Using join indexes”
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
If the join column is made up of more than one column, the combination of the
values must be unique. For example, in the asiqdemo database, the id in the
customer table and the cust_id in the sales_order table each contain a customer
ID. The customer table contains one row for each customer and, therefore, has
a unique value in the id column in each row. The sales_order table contains one
row for each transaction a customer has made. Presumably, there are many
transactions for each customer, so there are multiple rows in the sales_order
table with the same value in the cust_id column.
So, if you join to sales_order.cust_id, the join relationship is one-
to-many. As you can see in the following example, for every row in customer,
there are potentially many matching rows in sales_order.
select, sales_order.cust_id,
from sales_order, customer
where sales_order.cust_id = customer
id cust_id
Warning! If the one-to-many relationship is incorrect, the join cannot be
synchronized until you remove the extra rows from the “one” table. If you try
to synchronize, you get a Duplicate Row error, and the transaction rolls back.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Changes to “Using join indexes”
Creating star joins
The following should be added to Chapter 4 of the Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide just after the figure that shows the
sales_order table in a star join.
You can create this table using the following commands:
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."sales_order"
integer NOT NULL,
integer NOT NULL
REFERENCES "DBA"."customer" ("id")
"order_date" datetime NOT NULL,
"fin_code_id" char(2) NULL
REFERENCES "DBA"."fin_code" ("code")
char(7) NULL,
integer NOT NULL
REFERENCES "DBA"."employee" ("emp_id")
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Error in DISK_STRIPING default
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
9.3 Error in DISK_STRIPING default
The Adaptive Server IQ Reference contains an error in the General Database
Options table in Chapter 5, “Database Options.” The DISK_STRIPING option
default should be ON.
9.4 Data manipulation (DML)
9.4.1 DISK_STRIPING default
The Adaptive Server IQ Reference contains an error in the General Database
Options table in Chapter 5, “Database Options.” The DISK_STRIPING option
default is ON for Windows NT, and OFF for UNIX.
9.4.2 Correction to Introduction
The first item under “Adaptive Server IQ benefits” in Chapter 1, Introduction
to Adaptive Server IQ, should read:
Intelligent query processing: Adaptive Server IQ uses index-only access
plans to process only the data needed to satisfy any type of query
9.4.3 STRIP load option clarification
The following clarification should be added to the Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide.
The STRIP load option does not apply to ASCII fixed-width inserts. For
example, the STRIP option in the following statement is ignored:
load table
(col1 ascii(3), col2 ascii(3))
from foo_data
quotes off escapes off strip off
This option is new in Version 12.4.0 and should be added to the Adaptive
Server IQ Reference Manual.
Controls whether queries with an ambiguous syntax for multi-table joins are
allowed, or reported as an error.
Allowed values
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
This option reports a syntax error for those queries containing outer joins that
have ambiguous syntax due to the presence of duplicate correlation names on
a null-supplying table.
The following join clause illustrates the kind of query that is reported.
( R left outer join T , T join S on ( C1 ) )
where C1 is a condition. If the option is set to ON, this query is interpreted as
( R left outer join T on ( C1 ) ) join S on ( C2 )
where C1 and C2 are conditions.
9.4.5 Support for joins between stores or databases
This section clarifies current support for joins between stores or between
Any joins within a given IQ database are supported. This means that you can
join any system or user tables in the Catalog Store with any tables in the IQ
Store, in any order.
Joins of IQ tables with tables in an Adaptive Server Enterprise database are
supported under the following conditions:
On UNIX platforms, the IQ database must be the remote database, and the
Adaptive Server Enterprise database must be the local database. In other
words, on ASE you must add the IQ server a remote server, and define the
IQ tables as proxy tables.
On Windows NT, the IQ database can be either the local database or the
remote database.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
New and changed general database options
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
In order to join a local ASE table with a remote IQ 12 table, the ASE
version must be 11.9.2, and you must use the server class cd ASAnywhere.
Note Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9.2 introduces new server classes to
be used for accessing remote databases from the ASE 11.9.2 system. You
must use server class ASAnywhere to access Adaptive Server IQ 12.0x or
Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.x from ASE 11.9.2. You use server class
ASIQ to access Adaptive Server IQ 11.5.1, 11.5.2, ... 11.5.x (that is, 11.5.1
or later as stated in New Functionality in Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise 11.9.2 is not correct for ASIQ 12).
When you join a local IQ table with any remote table, the local IQ table
must appear first in the FROM clause. This means that the local IQ table
is the outermost table in the join.
The CHAR data type is incompatible between Adaptive Server Anywhere
and Adaptive Server IQ when the database is built with BLANK
PADDING OFF. If you want to perform cross-database joins between
ASA and ASIQ tables using character data as the join key, use the
VARCHAR data type or use CHAR with BLANK PADDING ON.
9.4.6 New and changed general database options
The following changes in general database options will be added to the next
update of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide and
the Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
This version includes a new option to simplify user control of heap memory
allocation during a load.
Specifies an upper bound on the amount of heap memory subsequent loads can
Allowed Values
0 to 500
0 (zero)
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
This option specifies an upper bound (in MB) on the amount of heap memory
subsequent loads can use. The default setting, 0 (zero), means that there is no
upper bound, and Adaptive Server IQ can use as much heap memory as
necessary to perform the load. A non-zero value means that the user has set an
upper bound. This option is typically used for LOAD statements, but affects all
operations where loads occur, including SYNCHRONIZE and DELETE
Setting a non-zero value for this option is typically done to avoid
overallocating the physical memory on the machine and exhausting virtual
memory during a load operation. Given a user-specified upper limit, the load
process will attempt to ensure that the load can succeed even if it means
incurring degradation in load performance. However, every load requires some
minimal amount of heap memory. If the user-specified limit is lower than this
amount, the user will receive the following error:
The load user approximately <x> MB, but only <y> MB was specified
where <x> is a rough approximation of the minimum amount of heap memory
needed and <y> is the upper limit set by the user. If this error occurs, then the
user must increase or turn off the Load_Memory_MB option and try again.
We are removing the following options and replacing them with the new
This version includes two new option values, 6 and –6 to prefer or avoid using
a join index.
Controls the choice of algorithms when processing joins.
Allowed Values
-6 to 6
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
For joins within a query, the IQ optimizer has a choice of several algorithms
for processing the join. This option allows you to override the optimizer’s
cost—based decision when choosing the algorithm to use. It does not override
internal rules that determine whether an algorithm is legal within the query
engine. If you set it to any non-zero value, it affects every join in a query; it
cannot be used to selectively modify one join out of several in a query.
This option is normally used for internal testing, and only experienced DBA's
should use it. The following table describes the valid values for this option and
their action.
Let the optimizer choose
Prefer sort/merge
Prefer nested loop
Prefer nested loop push-down
Prefer hash
Prefer hash push-down
Prefer join index
Avoid sort/merge
Avoid nested loop
Avoid nested loop push-down
Avoid hash
Avoid hash push-down
Avoid join index
9.4.7 Corrections to INSERT LOCATION
These corrections apply to the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual and the
Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide.
If you plan to use the INSERT LOCATION command (syntax 3 of the INSERT
command), the Adaptive Server Enterprise server you are connecting to must
exist in the interfaces file on the local machine.
Also, the syntax in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual is incorrect. The
servername.dbname must be enclosed in single quotes, and the SELECT
statement must be in braces. An example of correct syntax is:
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
String function REPEAT is supported
Note This syntax is not currently supported on Digital UNIX.
9.4.8 String function REPEAT is supported
The string function REPEAT is supported in Adaptive Server IQ version 12.x.
It is documented as follows:
REPEAT function
Returns a string composed of integer-expression instances of string-
expression, concatenated together.
REPEAT ( string-expression, numeric-expression )
string-expression The string-expression to be repeated.
integer-expression The number of times the string-expression will be repeated.
The statement
SELECT REPEAT( ’repeat’, 3 )
returns the value repeatrepeatrepeat.
Standards and compatibility
SQL/92 Vendor extension.
Sybase REPEAT is not supported in Adaptive Server Enterprise, but
REPLICATE provides the same capabilities.
9.4.9 Correction to CHAR function
The Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual incorrectly lists the CHAR function
as accepting a string-expr argument. The correct syntax is
CHAR ( integer-expr )
9.4.10 Number(*) function not supported
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
The NUMBER(*) function is not supported and should be deleted from the
Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual.
9.4.11 Using ISNULL() and COALESCE()
ISNULL() and COALESCE() can be used to convert NULL values into
something else. If these are used with an outer join, the production of this
expression gets pushed below the outer join. This behavior is acceptable on the
row-preserving side of the join, but on the side that NULLs are added to, it can
produce incorrect results. The ISNULL is processed in the vertical cursor, then
NULLs are added in the outer join.
9.5 Backup and system administration
9.5.1 New options for reserving space
Two new options let you control the amount of space reserved for adding more
disk space.
Controls the amount of space Adaptive Server IQ reserves for adding dbspaces
to the main IQ Store.
Allowed Values
Integer greater than zero, in megabytes
This option lets you control the amount of space Adaptive Server IQ sets aside
space in your main IQ Store, so that if you run out of disk space there you can
add a new dbspace.
Adaptive Server IQ sets aside 1 MB by default. This value is usually sufficient
to run the DDL commands.
You do not need to set aside room to hold the new dbspace. This option only
provides space for executing related DDL commands.
Controls the amount of space Adaptive Server IQ reserves for adding dbspaces
to the Temporary IQ Store.
Allowed Values
Integer greater than zero, in megabytes
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
This option lets you control the amount of space Adaptive Server IQ sets aside
space in your temporary IQ Store, so that if you run out of disk space there you
can add a new dbspace.
Adaptive Server IQ sets aside 1 MB by default. This value is usually sufficient
to run the DDL commands.
You do not need to set aside room to hold the new dbspace. This option only
provides space for executing related DDL commands.
9.5.2 Change to error message
The following error message has been changed.
Full message text
You have run out of ’%1’dbspace in database ’%2’. In another session, please
issue a CREATE DBSPACE ... ’%3’command and add a dbspace of at least
ODBC State
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Name of the database that needs more space
Minimum number of megabytes to add
9.5.3 Insufficient disk space
The following changes apply to the section “Insufficient disk space” in
“Appendix A, Troubleshooting Hints” of the Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide.
Replace the second and third Action items with the following text.
Try to connect to the database from a new connection. If this works, you
know that the database server is running, even though the query is waiting.
Then run sp_iqstatus to get more information.
Check the sp_iqstatus output for the following two lines:
Main IQ Blocks Used:,10188 of 12288, 82%, Max Block#: 134840
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Effect of checkpoints
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
Temporary IQ Blocks Used:,163 of 6144, 2%, Max Block#: 97
If the percentage of blocks used is in the nineties, you need to add more
disk space with the CREATE DBSPACE command. In this example, 82%
of the Main IQ Blocks and 2% of the Temporary IQ Blocks are used, so
more space will soon be needed in the Main IQ Store.
Effect of checkpoints
Insert the following text at the start of the section “Effect of checkpoints on out
of disk space conditions.”
If Adaptive Server IQ has already run out of space when a checkpoint is
requested, the checkpoint command fails with the error:
You have run out of space during the CHECKPOINT
You must add additional dbspace before any new checkpoints can proceed.
Adding the wrong type
of space
Assume, for example, the temporary dbspace has run out of space, but you
accidentally add a main dbspace by omitting the temporary keyword in the
create dbspace command. Your create dbspace command hangs, waiting for
you to add space to the first dbspace.
To continue, connect to the database from a new connection and create the
needed temporary dbspace. Once this is done, the other create dbspace (for
main) completes and all waiting connections resume running.
9.5.4 Forced recovery and leaked space recovery
This section describes parameters, options, and procedures that allow forced
recovery and leaked space recovery. This information will be added to the
Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide and the Adaptive
Server IQ Reference Manual in the next update.
Forced recovery
Under certain conditions, previous versions of Adaptive Server IQ 12 could
fail to recover a database after a system crash. Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0
resolves this problem by adding a forced recovery option. The forced recovery
option returns the database to its last known consistent state. Forced recovery
should only be used when normal database recovery fails to restore the
database to a running state.
Normal database recovery differs from forced database recovery in these ways:
Forced recovery marks all storage within the database as in use. In
order to recover a potentially corrupt free list (allocation map) all storage
within the database is marked as in use. You can return the storage
allocation to its correct value by using the server startup parameter
-iqdroplks and the sp_iqcheckdb storage procedure. See details below.
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX
Incremental backups are disabled After the database is opened in
forced recovery mode, incremental backups are disabled. The next backup
must be a full backup. Doing a full backup reenables incrementals.
Forced recovery affects all databases opened The forced recovery
parameter applies to all opens of the database while the server is up.
Therefore, after the database is opened, the DBA needs to bring the server
back down, and then restart the server without the forced recovery flag, to
be sure that subsequent opens run in regular mode. Repeated opens of the
database with forced recovery on do not harm the database, but could be
confusing to the DBA because each forced recovery open marks all the
storage within the database as in use.
Use the -gd switch during forced recovery. Sybase recommends that
you start the IQ server with the -gd switch set to restrict access to the
server to the DBA. Forced recovery operates in all modes, but restricted
access gives the DBA greater control over inadvertent opens of the
Leaked space
Either through system failure or as a result of opening a database with forced
recovery, a database’s allocation map may not reflect the true allocation of its
usage. When this occurs, we say that it has “leaked” storage. Adaptive Server
IQ 12.4.0 resolves this problem by adding the ability to recover leaked storage.
When leaked storage is being recovered, other transactions that alter the
allocation map are shut out. Such operations include checkpoints, and
commands that modify the database.
Two new server startup parameters, -iqfrec and -iqdroplks, and one additional
run-time setting, dbcc_option, support the new forced recovery and leaked
storage recovery feature.
New server startup
The following table describes the new server startup parameters.
-iqfrec dbname
Marks the specified
database as in use and
restores database to its last
known consistent state.
-iqdroplks dbname
Allows the sp_iqcheckdb
stored procedure to recover
leaked storage within the
specified database.
To verify that the data is not corrupt and set the database storage to its actual
value, you start the server with the -iqdroplks switch and connect to the
database. You then set the option dbcc_option and run the sp_iqcheckdb
stored procedure. Depending on results, you may need to reset this option and
rerun the procedure. See the discussion below for details.
New set option
A new set option, dbcc_option, controls the actions performed by
sp_iqcheckdb. This option applies only to the database you are connected to
when you set the option.
dbcc_option option
Overrides the default operation of sp_iqcheckdb
Allowed values
0 - 3
The value of this option determines the processing that sp_iqcheckdb does.
Runs default action:
If -iqdroplks was specified during server startup, runs
CheckStorage Fix. Checks for leaked blocks and corrupt
database pages by walking all the block maps in the system and
reading every database page. If no error is detected, resets
database free list to calculated allocation map. If an error is
found, it is reported in .iqmsg file, but free list is not altered.
If -iqdroplks was not specified during server startup, runs
GatherStatistics. Produces report. If severe error found,
server may terminate.
In this read-only mode, sp_iqcheckdb does not lock the
database to prevent other writers. Therefore, it may incorrectly
report that leaks were detected, because it did not see new
versions of objects outside its transactional scope.
Runs CheckAllocation. Checks for leaked blocks by walking all
block maps in the system. Runs very fast (about 1 second per GB
of data). Produces a report of findings. Does not reset the free list.
This option provides a fast method of determining if the database
has potentially leaked any storage.
Runs CheckStorage. Checks for leaked blocks and corrupt
database pages by walking all the block maps in the system and
reading every database page. Runs about 50 times slower than
option 1. Produces a report of findings. Does not reset the free list.
This option is the same as the default option when -iqdroplks is
passed to the server except that it runs in read-only mode.
Runs CheckAllocation Fix. Server must have been started with -
iqdroplks switch. Checks for leaked blocks by walking all block
maps in the system. Runs very fast (about 1 second per GB of
data). Produces a report of findings. If no error is detected, resets
database free list to calculated allocation map.
Sybase recommends that you use this option to recover the
database free list only when the default option cannot do so due to
errors encountered during processing, and no backed up version is
available to restore.
In order to recover leaked storage within a database, first start the server with
the -iqdroplks switch in the asiqsrv12 command.
Next, connect to your database and issue the command:
The stored procedure reads all storage within the database. On successful
completion, it updates the database free list to reflect the true storage allocation
for the database. It then generates a report listing the working and actions it has
If it finds an error, sp_iqcheckdb reports the name of the object and the type
of error found. It does not update the free list if any errors are detected.
Because it reads the entire database, sp_iqcheckdb may take a long time to
run. The length of time depends on the size of the database and the size of the
machine it executes on. Typically, sp_iqcheckdb can process between 20GB
and 100GB per hour.
The dbcc_option settings of 1 and 3 provide a fast way to check for leaked
storage within the system. They do this by walking the various block maps, or
object directories, that make up the database. The underlying database pages
that make up the actual tables and indexes are not read. Therefore, successful
completion of sp_iqcheckdb using option 1 or 3 does not guarantee absolutely
that the database is not corrupt.
The dbcc_option settings of 0 and 3, when combined with the server option
-iqdroplks, update the free list if no errors are detected. In order to perform this
function, write transactions are prevented before and during the running of
sp_iqcheckdb. The stored procedure ensures this by taking the appropriate
locks during its execution. Any write transactions are blocked while
sp_iqcheckdb is running.
If it detects transactions that are not committed or not checkpointed,
sp_iqcheckdb may refuse to recover leaked blocks. If this occurs, issue a
checkpoint command and rerun sp_iqcheckdb. If sp_iqcheckdb still refuses
to run, other users with active write transactions are connected to the database.
To recover leaked space:
In the event that the default option (dbcc_option = 0) cannot recover the free
list, and a previous backup is not available, use the following procedure to try
to recover the database.
Start the server with the -iqdroplks switch in the start_asiq command (on
UNIX) or asiqsrv12 command.
Set dbcc_option to 3, as a temporary option:
SET TEMPORARY OPTION dbcc_option = 3
Run the stored procedure:
Note If this procedure fails, it is likely that the database is corrupt and
beyond repair.
Set dbcc_option to 2, as a temporary option:
SET TEMPORARY OPTION dbcc_option = 2
Run the stored procedure again:
From the report generated, drop the objects reporting errors.
With dbcc_option still set to 2, rerun the stored procedure to ensure no
errors are present:
Reset dbcc_option to the default value, 0:
SET OPTION dbcc_option = 0
Assume that the DBA cannot successfully open and connect to database foo,
because of reported IQ errors during database open and recovery. To force
recovery and correct leaked space, follow the steps below.
Note Do not confuse an inability to connect to a database with an IQ server-
level error while IQ is trying to open a database.
Start the database server with the -iqfrec switch:
asiqsrv12 -iqfrec foo ... -gd dba ... foo.db
or on UNIX
start_asiq -iqfrec foo ... -gd dba ... foo.db
Connect to the database (foo).
The .iqmsg file reports that the database was opened in forced recovery
Bring down the server as you would normally. (If you use dbstop to bring
down the server, be sure to include -iqfrec in the dbstop command.)
Start up the server again with the -iqdroplks switch:
asiqsrv12 -iqdroplks foo ... -gd dba ... foo.db
Connect to the database. It will be fully allocated.
To correct the leaks created by the forced recovery open, run
sp_iqcheckdb on foo.
9.5.5 Improved output in stored procedures
Several stored procedures now display output in units that are easier to
understand. The following table describes the new column names. The stored
procedure sp_iqindexsize displays all of these columns except Nblocks. The
stored procedures sp_iqdbsize, sp_iqtablesize, and sp_iqjoinindexsize
display all of these columns except Info.
Table 3: New Stored Procedure Columns
Column name
Physical object size in KB
Number of IQ pages needed to hold the object in
Compressed Pages
Number of IQ pages when the object is compressed (on
Column name
Number of IQ blocks
Component of the IQ index for which the Kbytes, Pages,
and Compressed Pages are being reported. The
components vary by index type. For example, the default
(FP) index includes BARRAY and Bitmap (BM)
components. The Low_Fast (LF) index includes Btree
(BT) and Bitmap (BM) components.
9.5.6 SP_IQSTATUS now displays IQ Page Size
The sp_iqstatus stored procedure now displays the IQ page size in addition to
the block size. For example, Adaptive Server IQ used to display:
Block Size: 512/2bpc
It now displays:
Page Size: 1024/512blksz/2bpc
The MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH option is new in this version.
Sets the minimum length for new passwords in the database.
Integer, greater than or equal to zero.
Allowed values
The value is in bytes. For single-byte character sets, this is the same as the
number of characters.
Can be set for the PUBLIC group. Takes effect immediately. DBA permissions
are required to set this option.
0 characters
This option allows the database administrator to impose a minimum length on
all new passwords for greater security. Existing passwords are not affected.
Set the minimum length for new passwords to 6 bytes.
9.5.8 Transaction Log utility
The following information on the Transaction Log utility should be added to
the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide and the
Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
When you use the RESTORE statement to move and/or rename a database, you
can rename all of the files except the transaction log. Transactions continue to
be written to the old log file name, in the location where the Catalog Store file
(the .db file) is located after the database is restored.
When you rename or move all other files in the database, it is preferable to do
the same for the log file. To move or rename the log file, you use the
Transaction Log utility (DBLOG). You should run this utility:
After using RESTORE with a new database name
After using RESTORE with the RENAME option
Note The database server must not be running on that database when the
transaction log filename is changed. If you try to use this utility on a running
database, you get an error message.
You can access the Transaction Log utility from the system command line,
using the DBLOG command-line utility.
The DBLOG command-line utility
dblog [switches] database-file
Switch Description
-m mirror-name
Set transaction log mirror name.
Set the transaction log name
-t log-name
The DBLOG command line utility allows you to display or change the name
of the transaction log or transaction log mirror associated with a database. You
can also stop a database from maintaining a transaction log or mirror, or start
maintaining a transaction log or mirror.
Transaction log utility options
Set the name of the transaction log mirror file (-m )
This option sets a
filename for a new transaction log mirror. If the database is not currently using
a transaction log mirror, it starts using one. If the database is already using a
transaction log mirror, it changes to using the new file as its transaction log
mirror. Most Adaptive Server IQ databases do not use a transaction log mirror,
so this switch is rarely used.
Set the name of the transaction log file (-t )
This option sets a filename,
including an optional directory path, for a new transaction log. If the database
is not currently using a transaction log, it starts using one. If the database is
already using a transaction log, it changes to using the new file as its
transaction log.
9.5.9 Error message for buffer cache settings
The following paragraph describes a change in behavior as of Version 12.4.0.
It should be added to the section “Do not exceed physical memory” in Chapter
12, Managing System Resources,” in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration
and Performance Guide.
If you set buffer cache sizes higher than your system will accommodate,
Adaptive Server IQ will not successfully open the database. The new cache
options for start up -iqmc and -iqtc should now be used to open the database
and reset the defaults.
9.5.10 Setting Prefetch_Buffer_Limit option
The SET option PREFETCH_BUFFER_LIMIT defines the number of cache
pages available to Adaptive Server IQ for use in prefetching (the read ahead of
database pages). This option has a default value of 20, which can degrade
multi-user performance. Sybase recommends that you set this option to 0 for
multi-user applications. This option was omitted from Chapter 12, “Managing
System Resources,” of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide. For more information, see the Adaptive Server IQ
9.5.11 GRANT CONNECT for existing user ID
The following clarification should be added to Chapter 10, “Managing User
IDs and Permissions” in Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, and to the GRANT statement in Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
If you have DBA authority, you can change the password of any existing user
with the following command:
The same command can also be used to add a new user. For this reason, if you
inadvertently enter the user ID of an existing user when you mean to add a new
user, you are actually changing the password of the existing user. You do not
receive a warning because this behavior is considered normal. This behavior
differs from pre-Version 12 Adaptive Server IQ.
To avoid this situation, use the system procedures sp_addlogin and sp_adduser
to add users. These procedures give you an error if you try to add an existing
user ID, as in Adaptive Server Enterprise, and pre-Version 12 Adaptive Server
9.5.12 Dropping users may delete tables
The following warning should be added to “Revoking user permissions” in
Chapter 10, “Managing User IDs and Permissions” in Adaptive Server IQ
Administration and Performance Guide, and to the REVOKE statement in
Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
Warning! If you revoke a user's connect privileges, any database objects
owned by that user are deleted without warning. Likewise, if you use the stored
procedure sp_dropuser to drop a user, database objects owned by that user are
dropped without warning. To avoid this problem, remove objects owned by a
user or assign them to another user before issuing REVOKE CONNECT or
Note Procedures like sp_dropuser provide minimal compatibility with
Adaptive Server Enterprise stored procedures. If you are accustomed to
Adaptive Server Enterprise (or Adaptive Server IQ 11.x) stored procedures,
you should compare their text with Adaptive Server IQ 12 procedures before
using the procedure in dbisql. To compare, use the command
sp_helptext sp_name_in_question
9.5.13 Documentation on Data Backup and Recovery
The chapter on backup and data recovery in the Adaptive Server Anywhere
User’s Guide has been superseded by new information in Chapter 11, “Backup
and Data Recovery” of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide. The Adaptive Server Anywhere data backup and recovery
information should not be used.
9.5.14 Changes to BACKUP statement
In the Adaptive Server IQ Reference, the SIZE and STACKER option
descriptions in the BACKUP statement should read:
SIZE option
Specifies maximum tape or file capacity (some platforms do
not reliably detect end-of-tape markers). No volume used on the corresponding
device should be shorter than this value. This value applies to both tape and
disk files but not 3rd party devices. Units are KB so, for example, for a 3.5 GB
tape you specify 3500000. Default for disk files is 2GB. No default exists for
tape on UNIX platforms.
For tape devices on Windows NT:
The value of SIZE must be a multiple of 64.
If you specify a SIZE that is not a multiple of 64, it is automatically
rounded down to a multiple of 64.
If you do not specify SIZE explicitly, it is automatically set to 1.5GB.
STACKER option
Specifies that the device is automatically loaded, and
specifies the number of tapes it is loaded with. This value is not the tape
position in the stacker, which could be zero. When ATTENDED is OFF and
STACKER is ON, Adaptive Server IQ will wait for a pre-determined amount
of time waiting for the next tape to be auto-loaded. The number of tapes
supplied along with the SIZE option will be used to determine whether there is
enough space to store the backed up data. Do not use this option with 3rd part
media management devices.
9.5.15 Cleaning up after abnormal exit
Killing processes may result in semaphores or shared memory being left
behind instead of being cleaned up automatically. To eliminate unneeded
semaphores, you should periodically run the -ipcs command to check the
status of semaphores and shared memory.
The ipcs –a command lists the ID numbers, owners, and create times of
semaphores and shared memory segments. When all Adaptive Server IQ
instances are started by the same user (as Sybase recommends), you can search
the OWNER column for that username. Identify shared memory segments and
semaphores that have a very old create date but have not been used recently.
After verifying with the owner that these are indeed unused, run ipcrm
command to remove them. Use the –m parameter to specify the memory
segment id and the –s command to specify the semaphore id number, in the
following format:
ipcrm -m mid1 -m mid2 ... -s sid1 -s sid2 ...
For example:
% ipcrm -m 40965 -s 5130 -s36682
9.5.16 Monitoring server activity
It may be helpful, especially for new users, to monitor server activity. When
you start a server with the start_asiq utility, server activity is logged in an
ASCII text file placed in the directory defined by $ASLOGDIR. (If
$ASLOGDIR is not defined, it defaults to $ASDIR/logfiles.)
The log file name has this format:
Each time you start the server, the number is incremented. For example, your
directory may look like this:
demo.001.srvlog demo.002.srvlog
For information about your most recent session, choose the log with the largest
number for the desired server. Issue a tail –f command to view the log contents.
For example:
% tail -f demo.002.srvlog
When you run start_asiq, specify the –Z option to enhance the log file with
additional information about connections. This will help new users or those
troubleshooting connection problems.
To check if a particular server is running, log into the machine where it was
started, and issue the command:
% ps -eaf | grep asiqsrv12
maryc 24836 25554 0 Feb 09
asiqsrv12 -c 16m -gc 6000 -gd all
-gr 6000 -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400
-tl 300 -iqmt 450 -iqsmem 2560
@fnma.cfg asiqdemo.db
- 17:36
janed 28932 38122 0 11:39:24
asiqsrv12 -c 16m -gc 6000 -gr 6000
-gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400
- 2:10
-tl 300 -iqsmem 2560 -n janedemo -gd all
-iqmt 256 -x tcpip(port=1872)
In addition, the command % stop_asiq will display all Adaptive Server IQ
processes running.
9.6 Client applications
9.6.1 ODBC AutoPreCommit omitted
The ODBC AutoPreCommit option was omitted from the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference. Turning this option ON causes each statement to do a COMMIT
before execution (as opposed to a COMMIT after execution for the
AutoCommit option). The default for AutoPreCommit is OFF.
Set the AutoPreCommit option in either the Windows (NT/95) registry or the
.ini file (Windows 3.1). For example:
[Sample DSN]
9.6.2 Using PC client applications
The following notes apply to PC client applications certified with Adaptive
Server IQ:
With BrioQuery, each query requires you to connect to the database. Be
sure to close the query after processing to ensure that the connection to
Adaptive Server IQ is closed. If you leave multiple queries open, you
could consume more connections than you realize, eventually preventing
other users from connecting to Adaptive Server IQ (since the number of
configured connections would be exceeded).
With Business Objects, you should change Password_Encryption = 1 to
Password_Encryption = 0.
9.6.3 Creating attribute tables for PowerBuilder
In order to create attribute tables for PowerBuilder properly, you need to run
the iqpb.sql script located in the Server directory on the PowerBuilder product
CD against Sybase Adaptive Server IQ v.12.0.x using the provided Adaptive
Server IQ ODBC driver. Earlier versions of PowerBuilder (6.5 and below) do
not include the script. In this case, you may obtain the script from the Sybase
FTP website. Contact your PowerBuilder support representative if you need
additional information or PowerBuilder 7.0.
9.7 Help files
9.7.1 Adaptive Server IQ plug-in help reflects Multiplex support
Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex 12.4.0 is a separate product from Adaptive
Server IQ 12.4.0. If you have not purchased or installed Adaptive Server IQ
Multiplex, the functionality described in the online help topic Managing
Multiplexes is not available.
10. Technical Support
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more
designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If
you have any questions about this installation or if you need assistance during
the installation process, ask the designated person to contact Sybase Technical
Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
Before you contact
Technical Support
Before contacting Technical Support, collect the following:
operating system platform (For example, Sun Solaris 2.6 (SPARC))
front end tool or connectivity protocol used (For example, Brio Query)
configuration type (single user or multi-user)
message log file
File named dbname.iqmsg in the directory, located by default where you
started the database server.
stack trace file
File named in the directory where you started the database server.
command or query that produced the error
query plan
Enter the following commands and then rerun the command that produced
the error
The plan will be in the message log file.
startup option settings
connect option settings
database option settings
schema and indexes for the database
Output from sp_iqstatus procedure
You may find additional help from the Sybase online support database,
MySupport. MySupport lets you search through closed support cases, latest
software bulletins, resolved and known problems, using a view customized for
your needs. You can even open a technical support case online.
MySupport can be used from most Internet browsers. Open the MySupport
home page,, and follow the instructions provided there
to sign up for and use this free service.
11. Other sources of information
Use the Sybase Technical Library (available on CD and the web) resources to
learn more about your product:
Technical Library CD contains product manuals and technical documents
and is included with your software. The DynaText browser (included on
the Technical Library CD) allows you to access technical information
about your product in an easy-to-use format.
Refer to the Technical Library Installation Guide in your documentation
package for instructions on installing and starting Technical Library.
Technical Library Web site includes the Product Manuals site, which is an
HTML version of the Technical Library CD that you can access using a
standard Web browser. In addition, you’ll find links to the Technical
Documents Web site (formerly known as Tech Info Library), the Solved
Cases page, and Sybase/Powersoft newsgroups.
To access the Technical Library Web site, go to
, scroll down to Support Services, and select a link under the Technical
Library heading.
11.1 Sybase Certifications on the Web
Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.
For the latest information on product certifications and/or the EBF
Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at the following Web
In the Browse section, click on the What’s Hot entry.
Explore your area of interest: Hot Docs covering various topics, or Hot
Links to Technical News, Certification Reports, Partner Certifications,
and so on.
If you are a registered SupportPlus user:
Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at the following Web
In the Browse section, click on the What’s Hot entry.
Click on the EBF Rollups entry.
You can research EBFs using Technical Documents, and you can
download EBFs using Electronic Software Distribution (ESD).
Follow the instructions associated with the SupportPlusSM Online
Services entries.
If you are not a registered SupportPlus user and you want to become
You can register by following the instructions on the Web.
To use SupportPlus, you need:
A Web browser that supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), such as
Netscape Navigator 1.2 or later
An active support license
A named technical support contact
Your user ID and password
Whether or not you are a registered SupportPlus user
You can use Sybase’s Technical Documents. Certification Reports are among
the features documented at this site
Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at the following Web site
In the Browse section, click on the What’s Hot entry.
Click on the topic that interests you.
Shure Microphone R90 User Manual
Sonance Speaker V831DR User Manual
Sony Camcorder XCD SX910CR X710CR User Manual
Sony Cassette Player WM FX495 User Manual
Sony Microphone UWP C1 UWP C2 UWP C3 User Manual
Sony Stereo System CMT C5 User Manual
Speco Technologies DVR DVR PC8 Series DVR PC16 Series User Manual
Star Micronics Network Card TCP100 Series User Manual
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