Stockton 3/4/5/6/7/8/11
Free Standing Stove
ModelS: 7118/7101/7102/7119/7160/7127/7130/7161/7100/7162/7117/7120/7163/7103/7104/
User Instructions
For Use in Great Britain and eire
This product is suitable for use in the stated countries. To install the product in other countries it is essential to obtain translated instructions
and in some cases the product may require modification. Contact Stovax to obtain further information.
Please read these instructions carefully before using the appliance.
Keep them safe for future reference and when servicing the stove.
PM176-Issue 3 (April 2007)
1.10 No other appliance should be connected to or share, the
same flue or chimney system.
1. GeNeRAl
1.11 do not store wood in the area beneath either the 5
Midline or 6 Highline stove.
1.1 This stove is designed for domestic heating and should
only be used for this purpose, and in accordance with the
manufacturers operating instructions.
1.1ꢀ The serial number will be required when ordering spare
parts or making warranty claims. It is found on the
data plate.
It should be installed by a competent installer, in
accordance with all local regulations, including those
referring to national and european standards.
1.ꢀ The stove should only be used to burn approved fuels
and should not be used with liquid fuels or used as an
1.1ꢁ Stockton 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11
For most Stockton models the data plate is found under the
front of the stove ashlip.
1.ꢁ As with all heating stoves the surfaces will become very
hot when in use, therefore due care should be taken
when near the stove. If it is to be used in the presence
of young children, elderly or infirm persons a suitable
fireguard should be used. Care should also be taken with
the placement of combustible items near the stove as
conducted and radiated heat could cause a fire hazard.
1.4 Stovax offer a wide range of firescreens and sparkguards,
along with a hearthgate system designed to offer full
protection for a range of stoves and fireplaces. Your Stovax
dealer can advise you on these products.
1.5 Due to the high temperature of the convected air above
the stove we recommend that no valuable photographs,
paintings, TV screens, porcelain or other items are placed
in this area. Such artefacts may be damaged by long term
exposure to fluctuating temperatures.
1.14 Stockton 5 Midline
The data plate is found on a swing out data plate located on
the back of the stove on the left hand side
1.6 The additional ventilation required for the safe use of this
stove should be kept free of any obstructions, both inside
and outside the building, at all times.
1.7 To burn solid fuel efficiently in a wood version the
multifuel kit should be fitted.
Multifuel kit part numbers:
Stockton 5 (all)
Stockton 6 (all)
Stockton 7
Part No.
Stockton 8
Stockton 8 Slimline
Only for use with recommended fuels, see
Installation Instructions for full fitting details.
1.8 Have your Stovax product serviced annually by a competent
service engineer, and if repairs are required use only Stovax
approved spare parts.
1.9 do not make unauthorised modifications or changes to
the stove.
Airwash Control
ꢀ.1 When new, it is best to burn the fire at a low output for
the first few days of use. This will allow the construction to
settle and all fixing glues and paint to fully cure.
Avoid touching the paint during the first period of use.
ꢀ.ꢀ During this time the stove may give off some unpleasant
odours, and we recommend that you keep the room well
ventilated during this period to avoid a build-up of fumes.
(with or without multifuel kit fitted)
Primary Control
ꢁ.1 Open the Airwash control fully and open the Primary air
control to approximately 25% open.
See instructions for detailed use of controls
ꢁ.ꢀ Place some pieces of firelighter or dry crumpled paper on
the grate and cover with some small pieces of dry kindling
wood. Light the paper or firelighters.
dooR HANdle
To open and Close
ꢁ.ꢁ To avoid the build-up of condensation on the door glass
it is advisable to leave the door slightly open as the fire
establishes, and the glass warms.
Drop tool over knob to fit. Lift and remove
ꢁ.4 As the fire becomes established add larger pieces of wood
and fully close the door. do not leave the stove with the
door open as this could over-fire the stove and cause
permanent damage.
ꢁ.5 As the fire becomes established close the Primary air control
and control the burn rate using the Airwash control only.
ꢁ.6 To burn wood efficiently it is best to allow a bed of ash to
build-up on the grate, or the base of the stove, and control
the combustion using the Airwash control only.
Rotate 1/4 turn clockwise to open. Rotate 1/4 turn anti-clockwise to close.
Do not force the handle to turn more than 1/4 turn as damage may occur.
ꢁ.7 Before re-fuelling the stove it is advisable to first rake the
embers evenly over the firebed then open the Airwash
control fully for a few minutes, to establish a glowing bed
before adding new logs.
1.15 Never open the door with your bare hands.
1.16 Closing the door is the reverse of the previous.
ꢁ.8 Allow the new logs to burn at high output for a few minutes
before adjusting the burn rate, with the Airwash control,
to the desired setting. It is best to refuel little and often to
maintain clean and efficient burning.
1.17 To de-ash the firebed, using the riddling grate system,
operate by using the removable handle to pull the operating
knob in and out. This causes the ash to fall down into the
ꢁ.9 The ideal control settings to suit the particular installation
and personal preferences will be established by experience
in using the stove.
1.18 Never operate the grate with your bare hands.
ꢁ.10 Do not load fuel higher than the log guard at the front of
the stove and the secondary combustion air inlet holes at
the back of the fire box.
Push/Pull to Operate
ꢁ.11 It is not recommended to load large amounts of logs and
burn with the Airwash control on low settings for long
periods of time. This will reduce the effectiveness of the
glass cleaning effect of the airwash. Also this will cause a
large build-up of tars and creosotes in the stove and flue
ꢁ.1ꢀ We would recommend that the stove be burnt at high
output for at least ꢁ0 minutes each day when it is in use.
This will help reduce the build-up of tars and creosotes
within the stove and flue system.
5.1 Do not use the appliance at maximum output for prolonged
periods of time, or over fill the firebox with fuel, as this
could result in over-firing. If the connecting fluepipe,
appliance flue collar or top plate glow red with heat the
appliance is being over fired and the air controls should be
closed to reduce the output.
(with multifuel kit fitted)
do not burn painted, impregnated wood or
manufactured board products.
5.ꢀ If a chimney fire occurs shut all air controls immediately to
close the appliance down, and evacuate all persons from
the building before calling the fire brigade. Do not re-enter
the building until it is confirmed safe to do so.
4.1 Open the Airwash control to approximately 50% and
Primary air control fully.
4.ꢀ Place some pieces of firelighter or dry crumpled paper on
the grate and cover with some small pieces of dry kindling
wood. Light the paper or firelighters.
5.ꢁ Following a chimney fire do not use the appliance until it
is inspected by a HETAS (GB only)/ INFO (Eire) registered
installer, to confirm that the appliance is safe to use, or
make any repairs required before re-use. Only genuine
Stovax replacement parts are to be used to keep your
appliance in safe and efficient working order.
4.ꢁ To avoid the build-up of condensation on the door glass
it is advisable to leave the door slightly open as the fire
establishes, and the glass warms.
4.4 As the fire becomes established add pieces of solid fuel
and fully close the door. do not leave the stove with the
door open as this could over-fire the stove and cause
permanent damage.
5.4 After any chimney fire it is recommended that the chimney
system be inspected and swept by a NACS registered (UK
only) chimney sweep, to confirm that the system is structurally
sound and free from any obstructions before re-use.
4.5 As the fire becomes established reduce the Airwash control
to approximately ꢀ5% and control the burn rate using the
Primary air control only.
6. SeASoNAl USe
4.6 To burn solid fuel efficiently it is best to control the
combustion using the Primary air control only.
6.1 If the stove is not to be used during the warmer periods of
the year it is recommended to clean and service the stove,
as detailed in the Maintenance and Servicing section.
4.7 Before re-fuelling the stove it is advisable to first de-ash the
firebed, using the riddling grate system. To do this open
the stove door, then using the ashpan tool move the grate
vigorously left to right. This causes the ash to fall down into
the ashpan. Do not use bare hands to operate the riddling
6.ꢀ The air controls should be set in the 50% open position to
keep the appliance ventilated, and stop the build-up of any
moisture inside.
6.ꢁ Before re-lighting the stove remove the baffles, clear any
debris that may have accumulated, and check the flue is
clear of any blockages.
4.8 Then open the Primary air control fully for a few minutes,
to establish a glowing bed before adding new fuel. Allow
the new fuel to burn at high output for a few minutes
before adjusting the burn rate with the Primary air control
to the desired setting. It is best to refuel little and often to
maintain clean and efficient burning.
7. ASH ReMoVAl
7.1 The burning of any fuel will produce ash, which will have
to be removed after a period of use. This time will depend
on the fuel used. Before removing the ash from the stove it
is advisable to let the fire burn down to a low level, or even
go out completely. If a multifuel kit is fitted the ashpan can
be removed from the stove using the tool provided, after
opening the door.
4.9 The ideal control settings to suit the particular installation
and personal preferences will be established by experience
in using the stove.
4.10 Do not load fuel higher than the log guard at the front of
the stove and the secondary combustion air inlet holes at
the back of the fire box.
7.ꢀ As heat can remain in the ash for a long period after use,
care must be taken when removing and carrying the full
ashpan. We suggest that the ashpan be carried using gloved
hands, or the ash is placed directly into a Stovax Ash Caddy.
(Stovax Part No. 4ꢀꢀ7).
4.11 We would recommend that the stove be burnt at high
output for at least ꢁ0 minutes each day when it is in use.
This will help reduce the build-up of tars and creosotes
within the stove and flue system.
7.ꢁ When burning wood the amount of ash will be smaller and
may only need removal once every week. To do this, allow
the fire to burn out and cool. Then after removing the log
do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other
petroleum based fuels, as this will invalidate any product
retainer, scoop out the ash with a suitable shovel. It is best
to leave a layer of ash in the stove to form a bed for the
new fire.
If you require advice on suitable solid fuels contact your
local Approved Coal Merchant. Details can be obtained by
ringing the Solid Fuel Association advice line on Freephone
7.4 Do not place ash in a bin made from plastic or any other
combustible material.
A number of factors can affect the performance of the
Stockton stove. Some of these are listed.
8. ReCoMMeNded FUelS
9.1 Fuel Quality (Wood)
8.1 Wood: -
Burn only seasoned timber, with a moisture
content of less than ꢀ0%. In most cases, this would require
drying cut wood for 1ꢀ to 18 months before use. Poor
quality timber could cause low combustion efficiency,
produce large amounts of harmful condensation, which
could reduce the effectiveness of the airwash system, and
ultimately the life of the stove.
Use only seasoned wood with a moisture content of
less than ꢀ0%. Well seasoned logs should have the bark
beginning to lift and peel away, along with deep cracks
radiating from the centre of the log. Logs should feel lighter
than fresh cut wood of a similar size and sound hollow
when struck against each other. Logs should not feel damp
to the touch, have any visible moisture oozing from them or
moss and fungal growths on them.
do not burn painted, impregnated wood or
manufactured board products.
Symptoms of poor performance related to wet woods
To help avoid large build-ups of tars and creosote within
the stove and the flue system, it is recommended to burn at
maximum output for at least ꢁ0 minutes each day. The use
of Stovax Protector chimney cleaner will also help to reduce
this problem.
• Difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well,
• Smoky fires with little flame,
• Dirty glass,
• Dirty firebricks,
• Rapid creosote build-up in the chimney,
• Low heat output,
• Short burn times, excessive fuel consumption and blue/
grey smoke from the chimney.
8.ꢀ Solid fuel: -Burn only manufactured smokeless fuels listed
as suitable for use with closed heating stoves. do not burn
bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other petroleum based
fuels, as this will invalidate any product guarantee.
8.ꢁ Fuel consumption at nominal heat output.
As tested to the requirements of EN1ꢁꢀ40 for nominal heat
9.ꢀ Fuel Quality (Solid Fuel)
Use only recommended solid fuels, which are approved for
use with closed appliances. Symptoms of poor performance
related to unsuitable fuels include:
Fuel Consumption
• Difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well,
• Smoky fires with little flame,
• Dirty glass,
• Dirty firebricks,
• Short life span for grate, baffles and internal firebricks,
• Permanent staining of glass.
Smokless Fuel
Stockton ꢁ
Stockton 4
Stockton 5/5ML
Stockton 6/6HL
Stockton 7
Stockton 8
Stockton 11
9.ꢁ Backpuffing
This is caused by a lack of combustion air entering the
firebox causing combustion gases to build up in the firebox
and periodically ignite as small explosions, causing smoke to
puff out of the appliance air inlets and other openings. The
problem will often occur if the air controls are shut soon
after adding new fuel to a very hot fire. To stop backpuffing
occurring open the air controls to increase the combustion
air and increase the burning rate.
Fuel consumption for canopy models is the same as
equivalent flat top model.
9.4 Flue draught
be taken to use good quality kindling wood, when starting
the fire, and running the stove at a higher heat setting than
normal for a period after start-up to fully heat the chimney.
It could be possible to fit a rain cowl to the chimney to
reduce this problem. Your appliance installer should advise
you on possible solutions.
The chimney has two main functions, which are, to safely
remove the smoke, gases and fumes from the house, and
to provide a sufficient amount of draught (suction) in the
Stockton stove to ensure that the fire is kept burning.
Draught is caused by the rising hot air in the chimney when
the Stockton stove is lit.
If the Stockton stove emits smoke into the room
continuously close the air controls and allow the stove to go
out, and ventilate the room to clear the fumes.
Symptoms of poor performance related to flue draught
do not re-light the appliance until the cause of the
• Excessive fuel consumption (high flue draught)
• Poor burning control, overheating (high flue draught)
• Wind noise from air controls (high flue draught)
• Difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well
(low flue draught)
problem is identified and rectified.
• Low heat output (low flue draught)
• Smoke entering room when doors opened (low flue
This occurs as a result of four possible causes:
Burning unseasoned wood – See page 8 (section 10.1) for
more information on how to identify when your wood is
ready for burning. Properly seasoned logs will have been
kept for a minimum of a year but are best burnt at ꢀ years.
The construction, position, size and height of the chimney
are all factors that affect the performance of the flue
Other factors that can effect the flue draught include:
The stove being burned at too low a temperature - A
good working temperature is ꢁ00-500° F (1ꢀ0 – ꢀ50° C).
A stove pipe thermometer will help identify this problem.
(Stovax part no ꢁ046). Burning the stove with the airwash
control fully open for a period of around ꢀ0 minutes ought
to cure this. This might be caused by damping your stove
down overnight.
• Trees or other buildings nearby causing turbulence
• High and gusty winds
• Outside temperature
• Outside weather conditions
• Incorrect additional ventilation to building
• Blocked flue / chimney
Problems with your flue – in particular insufficient air pull.
If your flue is not doing its job efficiently this can cause
blackening of the glass. A flue which is too short,
experiences a downdraft, needs lining or has too many
bends can promote blackening. If you suspect your flue
may be contributing to the blackening of your stove glass
you should contact the installer or a flue specialist.
For advice on the correction of persistent flue problems
consult a qualified solid fuel heating engineer before
continuing to use the Stockton stove.
9.5 Weather conditions
The weather conditions outside the building could have an
effect on the burning performance of the Stockton stove.
These could include:
This occurs when fine ash builds up under the riddling
mechanism preventing their movement. To prevent this we
recommend that you follow a regular cleaning routine for
the inside of your stove, taking care to lift out the riddling
mechanism and remove all ash. Replace riddling grate when
cleaning is complete.
Windy days - smoking from the appliance. This could
be caused by turbulent airflow around chimney terminal,
possibly caused by the position of other buildings or
obstacles nearby. This problem is, also, sometimes
associated with oversize chimneys, which may even have
downdraught problems on calm days. If smoking is a
common problem on windy days make a note of the wind
strength and direction before consulting your appliance
installer, who will advise you on possible solutions to the
problem, after visiting the installation.
Please ensure when replacing the glass in your stove that
you do not over tighten the screws on the glass clips as this
will cause stress in the glass and with the intense heating
and cooling of burning your stove it may well cause the
glass to crack.
damp / Rainy days – These sometimes result in problems
when lighting and maintaining the fire, due to the lower
flue temperatures and smaller difference between indoor
and outdoor temperatures reducing the flue draught. Also,
rain water running down the inside of the chimney reduces
the flue temperatures. To help with this problem care must
You can recognise this from the following traits:
Very strong pungent smell shortly after the stove is lit and as
the stove heats up, glass blackening and, possibly, can be
seen as a thick, brown and sticky material oozing from your
stove pipe joints.
This is caused by burning damp wood and burning your
stove at too low a temperature. To resolve this only use well
seasoned wood and ensure your stove is operating in the
ideal temperature range. Tar is a major cause of chimney
fires - if you experience problems with tar build up, please
consult a chimney sweep before continued use of your
Ideal working temperature range is 1ꢁ0°C and ꢀ40°C
(ꢀ70°F – 465°F). If you fail to close down your primary air
control once the stove has heated up to this range you may
cause your stove to overfire and the temperature to exceed
the ideal range. Overfiring can cause permanent damage to
your stove and will invalidate your warranty.
This occurs when the hinge block has moved out of
alignment. To correct this adjust the hinge blocks back to
the vertical position. See section 10 page 1ꢀ for information
on adjusting the door hinges.
See chart on page 10 for common spare parts refered to in this section.
For a complete list of spare parts and accessories contact your Stovax dealer for the
Stovax Fireplace, Stove & Hearth Accessories brochure or call 01392 474011
4.ꢀ Vacuum clean any remaining ash and debris from the inside
of the stove. Stovax offer a filter / collection attachment for
your vacuum cleaner to protect it from fine ash. Ash clean
Before any cleaning is carried out, allow stove to cool
thoroughly to avoid risk of burns.
(Stovax Part No. ꢀ091).
4.ꢁ Clean the internal surfaces of the stove using a wire brush
and scraper as required. Vacuum and brush the resulting
debris from the stove.
1.1 We would recommend that your Stockton stove be cleaned
fully on a regular basis, according to the level of use.
Attention should be given to cleaning the baffle system,
flueways and removing ash. Regular cleaning and preventive
maintenance will help give many years of safe use.
4.4 Clean the baffle and grate parts with a wire brush, and
check the parts for any damage. Replace any damaged
1.ꢀ The external paintwork may be cleaned using warm soapy
water and a soft clean cloth. Wipe dry with a soft clean
cloth before re-lighting. Do not leave unit without drying, as
this may cause rust.
4.5 Check and clean the firebricks with a soft brush. Replace
any broken bricks. It is normal for some surface damage to
occur during use.
4.6 Re-fit cleaned internal parts.
4.7 Remove the glass from the door, see section 8, and discard
all old rope seals.
ꢀ.1 While the correct use of the Airwash system, and good
quality fuel, will generally keep the glass clean when the
appliance is used you may sometimes need to clean the
4.8 Remove the door rope seal from the outer edge of the door
and clean the old glue from the door sealing rope grove.
4.9 Clean the door glass using Stovax Stove Glass Cleaner and
a soft cloth, do not use abrasive cleaners to remove tar or
soot deposits from the glass.
ꢀ.ꢀ This can be done as follows. Allow the Stockton stove to
cool fully, never attempt to clean hot glass. Any deposits
can be removed using a soft cloth and Stovax Glass Cleaner.
4.10 Replace the glass edge seal with new and re-fit the glass into
place in the door. (See section 8, page 11).
ꢀ.ꢁ Before re-lighting the appliance, dry the glass fully.
4.11 Fit new door rope seal with the joint in the middle of
the lower edge of the door, gluing it in place with Stovax
Thermic Seal rope adhesive (See section 9, page 1ꢀ). When
fitting new door seals we recommend closing the stove door
and leaving for at least 1ꢀ hours before using. This allows
the adhesive to fully bond to the seal before use.
ꢀ.4 do not use abrasive cleaner or cleaning pads.
ꢁ.1 We would recommend that to maintain the safe and
efficient use of the appliance the flue / chimney is inspected
and swept at least once a year, by a NACS Registered
(UK only) / INFo Registered (eire only) chimney sweep,
who will issue you with a certificate.
4.1ꢀ Lightly oil the door catch mechanism and hinge pins. Avoid
getting oil onto the door seals and glass.
4.1ꢁ To refresh painted finishes it is possible to re-paint using
Stovax Thermolac stove paint.
4.14 We recommend that only genuine Stovax replacement
parts are used to keep your appliance in safe and efficient
working order. Your local Stovax dealer will be able to
provide you with the genuine parts you require.
At the end of the heating season it is recommended to strip,
inspect and clean the stove as detailed: -
4.1 Carefully remove all of the following internal parts. ꢀ
internal baffles, firebricks, complete grate (ꢀ parts), and
ashpan. See sections 6 and 7 for the instructions on how
to remove the baffles and firebricks. Care should be taken
when handling firebricks, as they can become fragile after a
period of use.
4.15 This is a list of the maintenance products you may need
to use
5. ReMoVAl oF THe loG GUARd
5.1 Remove the log guard by lifting clear of the supporting
brackets and rotating to clear the sides of the door opening.
The stove should not be used without the log guard in
Stovax Code
Glass cleaning
Product name
Stove glass cleaner 500ml
(wipe on)
Stove glass cleaner
(spray on)
Preventing build-up Protector (15 sachets)
of creosote in flue Protector (1kg tub)
6.1 To maintain efficient combustion the stove is fitted with a
baffle in the top of the firebox.
Sealing flue
pipe joints
Fire Cement (500g tub)
Fire Cement (600g cartridge)
6.ꢀ Allow the stove to cool fully before removing the baffle
Thermolac Black
(400ml aerosol)
Thermolac Black
(9ꢀ00ml brush-on)
Colloidal black (85ml)
6.ꢁ To remove the baffle, first remove the log guard from the
stove to give access to the firebox.
Cleaning matt
black stoves
6.4 Remove the baffle by lifting the front edge to clear the
support bars, then pull the baffle forward to disengage the
rear edge from the location above air inlet holes. Rotate
the baffle to remove from the firebox through the door
Protecting your
Heat resistant leather gloves
Door sealing rope 14mm Black rope seal
(handy pack)
14mm Black rope seal
(ꢀ5m reel)
Glass sealing tape ꢁmm Black rope seal
(handy pack)
ꢁmm Black rope seal
(ꢀ5m reel)
Fixing rope seal
Ash Clean
Thermic seal glue
(50ml bottle)
Vaccuum Cleaner Attachment
4.16 These products, all available from your local Stovax dealer,
along with regular maintenance and use of correct fuels, will
help you to keep your stove in the best condition.
Support Pin
6.5 The replacement of the system is the reverse of the previous
operations, ensuring it is replaced the correct way around.
4.17 If you require more information about Stovax group
4.18 When using the stove for the first time again it is best to
burn the fire at a low output for the first day of use. This
will allow the new seals to settle and all new fixing glues
and paint to fully cure.
4.19 During this time, the stove may give off some unpleasnt
odours, and we recommend that you keep the room well
ventialted during thsi period to avoid a build-up of fumes.
4.ꢀ0 If you require help, your local Stovax dealer will be able to
carry out all of your service and maintenance requirements
for a reasonable cost.
Single Door
6.6 It is important to remove and clean the baffle system to
ensure the flue ways are clear of soot and debris and to
ensure the safe and efficient operation of the stove. The
frequency of cleaning will depend on the stove operating
Fixing Screws (x4)
Fixing Clips (x4)
6.7 The baffle system is designed to give safe and efficient
operation of the stove. Replace any damaged baffles
6.8 Do not modify the baffle system.
Glass Seal
7.1 As part of the routine maintenance of the stove you may
have to remove the firebricks from the stove. This can be
carried-out without the use of tools, but the bricks must be
removed and replaced as shown, after removing the baffle
7.ꢀ Allow the stove to cool fully before removing firebricks.
Double Door
7.ꢁ If your stove is fitted with 4 upper firebricks, remove the
lower ꢀ bricks first. Then lower the top bricks and remove.
Fixing Screws (x10)
Fixing Clips (x4)
Fixing Clip Long (xꢀ)
Glass (xꢀ)
Glass Seal (ꢁmm)
Door (xꢀ)
7.4 Replace the bricks in the reverse order of removal.
7.5 Care should be taken when handling bricks, as they can
become fragile after a period of use. This is normal and
the life will depend on the type of fuels burnt and the level
of use. Damaged bricks should be replaced as soon as
possible, and can be purchased from your Stovax dealer.
8.ꢁ Using a screwdriver remove the glass clip fixing screws (4).
The old glass can then be lifted clear of the door. (Note
how the ꢁmm sealing rope is placed between the glass and
the door.) Remember to dispose of the old glass safely.
8.4 Clean, and re-paint, the rear of the door if required. Clean
the screws with light oil and coat with high temperature
anti-seize grease, this will aid future removal.
8.1 To maintain the safe use of your stove you may need to
replace a damaged door glass. To complete this operation,
use this method.
8.5 Fit a new sealing rope between the new glass and the door,
and place the glass into position in the door. Place the glass
fixing clips into position and re-fix with the clean fixing
screws, tighten the screws evenly until the clips hold the
glass. Do not over tighten the clips as this could break the
8.ꢀ Remove the door, by opening and lifting the door free of
the hinge blocks. Then lie the door face down on a soft flat
surface, to protect the paintwork and glass.
8.6 Fit only Stovax ceramic glass, which is suitable to use in
high temperature applications.
9.6 Using the stove with a damaged door seal could cause
dangerous fumes to enter the room, or the stove to overfire,
resulting in damage.
8.7 Using the stove with a damaged door glass could cause
dangerous fumes to enter the room, or the stove to overfire,
resulting in damage.
9. FITTING A NeW dooR SeAl
10.1 To maintain the safe use of your Stockton stove, you may
need to adjust the door hinges to ensure safe correct closing
of the door. Complete this operation as follows.
9.1 To maintain the safe use of your stove you may need to
replace a damaged or worn door sealing rope. To complete
this operation, use this method.
10.ꢀ Open the door to give access to the fixed part of the door
hinge as shown.
9.ꢀ Remove the door from the stove, by opening and lifting the
door free of the hinge blocks. Then lie the door face down
on a soft flat surface, to protect the paintwork and glass.
Single Door
Seal 14mm
Fixing Nut Lock Nut
10.ꢁ Using a 19mm A/F spanner loosen the fixing nuts, as shown,
and reposition the hinge blocks to achieve a correct fit. This
may require a trial and error approach to find the correct
Double Door
Seal 14mm
Seal 10mm x ꢀmm
9.ꢁ Remove the old rope and scrape old glue from the locating
groove. Clean the locating groove with a clean dry cloth to
remove all old dust and debris.
9.4 Squeeze a generous bead of fresh Stovax Thermic Seal glue
(Stovax Part No. 50ꢁ7) into the rope locating groove. Press
the new Stovax rope into the locating groove, placing the
joint in the middle of the lower edge of the door.
9.5 Refit the door and close the door to apply pressure to
new rope. Leave the stove closed for at least 1ꢀ hours
before lighting the stove and using at a low output for
approximately one day.
To help you get the best performance from your Stockton and keep it in good condition, inside and out, Stovax offers a wide range of
cleaning and maintenance products as well as a host of accessories to help you enjoy the maximum pleasure from your stove. Your Stovax
retailer will be able to provide full details but here is a brief list of items that may be of interest:
Extra long matches
Gas lighter
Log basket
Wood sling - for easy carrying of logs
Log tongs
Extra long protective gloves
Stove pipe thermometer
Hearthgate - 5 section (for areas 1780x610mm)
Hearthgate - 7 section (for areas 1780x405mm)
Ash caddy - All models except Stockton 11MF
Ash caddy - Stockton 11MF only
Ashclean vacuum cleaner attachment
Steel brush
Your retailer will also be able to provide genuine spare parts such as replacement glass, door sealing rope and fire bricks, as and when
required. Remember, an annual service is recommended to keep your appliance in best possible condition.
Stovax ltd, Falcon Road, Sowton Industrial estate, exeter, devon, england eX2 7lF
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