2m Mobile Charge Sync Micro USB
Cable - A to Micro B
*actual product may vary from photos
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Manual Revision: 05/20/2014
Table of Contents
Product Diagram ....................................................................................1
Top View ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Back View ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Packaging Contents ................................................................................................................................. 2
System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 2
Hardware Setup......................................................................................3
User Menu Table of Contents................................................................................................................ 4
Hardware Operation ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Asynchronous Copy .......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Compare .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Copy + Compare................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Capacity Check...................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Information............................................................................................................................................. 8
6. Utility......................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Measure Speed ................................................................................................................................... 10
7. Setup......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Technical Support ..................................................................................14
Warranty Information............................................................................14
Instruction Manual
Product Diagram
Top View
1. Source USB drive port
2. Destination USB drive ports
3. LCD Display
4. Forward button
5. Backward button
6. OK button
7. Escape button
Back View
1. Power Adapter Port
2. Power Switch
Instruction Manual
Packaging Contents
1x 1:5 USB Flash Drive Duplicator (USBDUP15)
1x Universal Power Adapter (NA/UK/EU)
1x Instruction manual
System Requirements
1x Source USB drive
1 to 5x Destination USB drive(s)
(Optional) USB multimedia card reader (1 x each drive): To use an SD/ SDHC/ Micro
SD/ MMC/ Mini SD/ CF card as Source or Destination drive.
(Optional) USB to SATA Hard Drive docking station/USB to SATA enclosure: To use a
solid state drive (SSD) or hard drive (HDD) as Source or Destination drive.
Instruction Manual
Hardware Setup
a) Before you begin ensure the power switch on the USBDUP15 is set to the off
b) The source or destination drives can be replaced with any SD/ SDHC/ Micro SD/
MMC/ Mini SD/ CF media card, using USB multimedia card reader (sold separately),
or Hard Drive(HDD) / Solid State Drive (SSD) through a Hard Drive docking station or
USB enclosure (sold separately).
1. Insert the source USB flash drive you would like to copy into the Source USB drive
port on the USBDUP15.
2. Insert up to 5 destination USB flash drives (that you would like to be over written
with the same data that is currently on the source drive) into the destination USB
drive ports.
WARNING! Any DATA on the destination USB Flash drives will be overwritten.
3. Connect the power adapter port on the USBDUP15 to an available power source
using the included Universal power adapter.
4. Set the power switch on the USBDUP15 to the on position.
5. The USBDUP15 is now is ready for operation as the user menu appears on the
LCD display.
Instruction Manual
User Menu Table of Contents
Instruction Manual
Hardware Operation
1. Copy
There are two types of copy modes, Asynchronous Copy and Synchronous Copy. The
system will check the content size of the source before executing the ‘copy’function.
If the source content size is less than the system’s buffer memory, it will automatically
start an Asynchronous copy. If the source content size is larger than the system’s buffer
memory, it will copy in Synchronous mode.
1.1 Synchronous Copy
To configure, go to function “7.6 Asynchronous”and select “Disable”. If the source’s
content size is larger than system’s buffer memory, it will execute Synchronous Copy
and ignore which copy mode has been set at function 7.6.
Operating Process
1. Plug in the source and destination Flash drive(s). Select the copy function and
press OK.
2. The copy will start automatically if two destination Flash drives are connected.
Otherwise, press OK to start the copy.
Instruction Manual
3. When the copy has completed, the LCD display will show the total time it took to
copy, the number of passes, and if there were any failures.
a) When the copy is in progress, the green LED will flash for each Flash drive that is
connected. When the copy has finished, the green LED will stop flashing and remain
illuminated. If an error occurs, the red LED will illuminate.
b) Do NOT remove the Flash drives while the system is copying (green LED is flashing).
You can cancel duplication by pressing ESC.
c) It is recommended that the source and destination are the same size. Copying to or
from a larger Flash drive may cause an error and the copy will fail.
d) If copying a Flash drive with NTFS or Linux file formats, the destination capacity
MUST BE equal or larger than the source’s capacity.
1.2 Asynchronous Copy
NOTE: This mode is enabled by default. The source’s content size must be smaller
than the system’s buffer memory, otherwise the system will automatically duplicate in
Synchronous mode.
To enable Asynchronous mode, go to function “7.6 Asynchronous”, and select “Enable”.
Operating Process
1. Plug in the source Flash drive, and press OK. The system will start to read the
source’s content into the system’s buffer. Once completed, it will immediately start
to copy once a destination Flash drive has been plugged in.
Instruction Manual
2. Once the copy has completed, the green LED will stop blinking. The destination
Flash drive can be removed and a new Flash drive inserted, then the copy will
automatically start again. The LCD display will show the accumulated quantity of the
successful/failed duplications and the drive that is still copying.
a) When the copy is in progress, the green LED will flash for each Flash drive that is
connected. When the copy has finished, the green LED will stop flashing and remain
illuminated. If an error occurs, the red LED will illuminate.
b) Do NOT remove the Flash drive while the system is copying (green LED is flashing).
c) Once the copy process has completed (green LED is solid), you can then take out
that Flash drive and insert a new one.
d) During an Asynchronous copy, you can press the up and down arrows to check each
Flash drive’s copy status and progress. This works both during a copy (green LED
flashing) and when there is an error (red LED solid).
2. Compare
Check the Flash drive after a copy has completed to ensure the copy has completed
3. Copy + Compare
Automatically compares the Flash drive once the copy has completed.
Instruction Manual
4. Capacity Check
Check the exact capacity of the connected Flash drive in the destination slots.
1. Plug the Flash drive into the slot and press OK on Capacity Check. The system will
quickly report the exact capacity of the connected Flash drive by reporting either a
green or red LED. Use the up and down arrows to move between slots.
2. This function supports Asynchronous operation. You can continuously remove and
connect multiple Flash drive types without pushing any buttons.
a) This function may change the data and format on the Flash drive.
b) To protect the source drive’s data, the system does not check the capacity of the
source drive.
c) If the red LED illuminates indicating an error, you can use the up and down arrows
for error information.
5. Information
5.1 USB Info
Show the Flash drive’s basic information, such as drive type, content size, and
total capacity.
Instruction Manual
5.2 System Information
This function will show information about the system, including model number and
software version.
6. Utility
6.1 Do Format
Insert a Flash drive device into one of the destination slots and press OK to begin
1. This function will automatically detect the capacity of the Flash drive and format
accordingly. If the Flash drive is already FAT16 or FAT32, the original format will not
be changed.
2. If the Flash drive’s format is NTFS, Linux, or multi-partition FAT, the system will
format the drive according to the capacity. If the capacity is equal or greater than
2GB, it will format to FAT32. If the capacity is less than 2GB, it will format to FAT16.
3. During the format process, you can press the up and down arrows to check each
Flash drive’s formatting status, progress, and information.
6.1.2 FAT Format
Format any Flash drive to FAT16.
6.1.3 FAT32 Format
Format any Flash drive to FAT32.
NOTE: Only the Flash drive(s) in the destination ports will be formatted. The source will
not be formatted.
Instruction Manual
6.2 Measure Speed
Measure the read and write speeds of the Flash drive.
1. Plug the Flash drive into one of the slots and select function “6.2 Measure Speed”,
then press OK.
2. Use the up and down arrows to see the Flash drive’s exact read and write speeds for
each port.
NOTE: This function may result in data loss and format the Flash drive. Only the
destination ports can be measured.
6.3 Media Check
Analyze the Flash drive’s quality. There are two types of methods to check the drive, ‘H3
Safe’and ‘H5 R/W’. Before starting a quality check, you can change the range and error
limit using functions ‘6.3.3 Setup Range’and ‘6.3.4 Set Error Limit’respectively.
6.3.1 H3 Safe 100%
Check the Flash drive’s quality by reading the drive. After the process has completed,
the LCD display will show the volume of bad sectors detected, and the read speed of
the drive.
6.3.2 H5 R/W 100%
Check the Flash drive’s quality by reading and writing to the drive. Once completed,
the LCD display will show the volume of bad sectors detected, and the read/write
speed of the drive.
NOTE: This function will delete the content and format of the Flash drive. To protect
the data on the source drive, only the destination ports can be checked.
6.3.3 Setup Range
Set the % of the Flash drive that you would like to check for quality. Use the up and
down arrows to set the percentage.
Instruction Manual
6.3.4 Setup Error Limit
Set the tolerance range when checking for errors on the Flash drive. Use the up and
down arrows to set the percentage.
6.4 Quick Erase
Erase the Flash drive’s data content. Use the up and down arrows to check each port’s
6.5 Full Erase
This function completes a single pass overwrite to erase the Flash drive’s content and
6.6 DoD Erase
This function completes a three pass overwrite erase which is acceptable by the U.S.A
Department of Defense (DoD 5220) as a method of fully erasing a drive to guarantee
the data has been deleted.
NOTE: The source drive will not be formatted.
6.7 System Update
Update the system’s firmware version. Save the firmware update onto your Flash drive.
Make sure the firmware update file is un-zipped and not in a folder.
To start, press OK on “6.7 System Update”and it will automatically start updating. When
completed, turn off the system for 5 seconds and then turn back on. The firmware
update is now complete.
6.8 Calc. Checksum
Calculate the Checksum number of the Flash drive that’s plugged into the source port.
The Checksum area that is calculated will be based on the copy area that’s been set.
7. Setup
7.1 Start-up Menu
Select which function is displayed when the system is first turned on.
7.2 Copy Area
7.2.1 System and Files
This is also called ‘quick copy’mode. The system will automatically analyze the source
drive’s file format. If the file format is recognized (FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux (ext2, ext3,
ext4)), only the data will be copied. Otherwise, if the file format is not recognized, the
system will copy the entire storage capacity of the Flash drive, including empty space.
‘System and Files’is enabled by default.
Instruction Manual
7.2.2 Whole Media
Set the system to copy the entire Flash drive’s content, including empty space and file
7.3 Button Beep
Turn audio feedback ON/OFF. ON by default.
7.4 Asyn Hold time
Set the time to cancel an Asynchronous copy when you’ve temporarily finished
copying and all of the Flash drive devices have been removed, but the copy job has not
been manually cancelled. This is to prevent mistakenly overwriting your source drive
when you’d like to start a new source copy but the previous Asynchronous copy job
has not yet been cancelled.
The default is 30 seconds. When the system no longer detects any Flash drive for 30
seconds, the system will prompt you to either exit or keep the current copy job.
7.5 Target Tolerance
Set the tolerance of the capacity gap between the source and destination ports in %.
There are three modes, with the default being ‘no limit’, as follows:
a) Allow Tolerance: Users can set the high and low limit (%) of capacity difference
between the source and destination drive separately.
b) No Limit: Users can disable the capacity limit between the source and destination
drive. If the data on the source drive is larger than the capacity of the destination
drive, this will lead to an incomplete/failed duplication.
c) 100% same: Users can set the capacity of the destination drives to be the exact
same as the source drive. If the sizes do not match, the duplication will not start.
7.6 Asynchronous Mode
Choose to disable or enable Asynchronous copy mode. If enabled and the data
on the source is smaller than the system’s buffer memory, it will automatically use
asynchronous when copying. If disabled, the system will copy in synchronous mode.
This mode is enabled by default.
7.7 Check before Copy
Choose to enable or disable the system checking the Flash drive before starting a copy.
By default, the drive is not checked before copying.
7.8 Power off time between Copy + Compare
When performing the Copy + Compare function, set the wait time (in seconds) after a
Copy has completed, and before the Compare starts. The default is 3 seconds.
7.9 Language
Change the system language between English and Japanese.
Instruction Manual
7.10 Working Mode
There are 5 duplication speeds:
• Slowest Mode
• Slower Mode
• Normal Mode (default setting)
• Faster Mode
• Fastest Mode
Change the duplication speed. Normal speed is recommended for most Flash drive
types. If there is a high failure rate when duplicating, try lowering the speed.
7.11 Set HDD Mode
Choose ‘Active Mode’to duplicate to USB Hard Disk Drives (HDD/SSD). Choose ‘Inactive
Mode’to duplicate USB Flash drives. Inactive mode is set by default.
7.12 Restore Default
Restore the system back to factory defaults.
Instruction Manual
Technical Support
StarTech.com’s lifetime technical support is an integral part of our commitment to
provide industry-leading solutions. If you ever need help with your product, visit
www.startech.com/support and access our comprehensive selection of online tools,
documentation, and downloads.
For the latest drivers/software, please visit www.startech.com/downloads
Warranty Information
This product is backed by a lifetime year warranty.
In addition, StarTech.com warrants its products against defects in materials
and workmanship for the periods noted, following the initial date of purchase.
During this period, the products may be returned for repair, or replacement with
equivalent products at our discretion. The warranty covers parts and labor costs only.
StarTech.com does not warrant its products from defects or damages arising from
misuse, abuse, alteration, or normal wear and tear.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the liability of StarTech.com Ltd. and StarTech.com USA LLP (or their
officers, directors, employees or agents) for any damages (whether direct or indirect,
special, punitive, incidental, consequential, or otherwise), loss of profits, loss of business,
or any pecuniary loss, arising out of or related to the use of the product exceed the
actual price paid for the product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages. If such laws apply, the limitations or exclusions
contained in this statement may not apply to you.
Instruction Manual
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