Installation Manual For
Sun/Sony GDM-20D10-15
Color Monitor Series
Please read Entirely Before Installation!
This document contains instructions to connect a Sun Microsystems/Sony GDM-20D10 color
monitor to a PC system, using the accompanying cable and video card. Please read the
documentation provided with the video card, for more instructions.
The above picture looks different from the actual monitor.
Vertical refresh rate :
Horizontal Scan rate:
60-120 Hz
60- 81 KHz (Kilo Hetrz).
Horizontal and Vertical sync polarity : recommended Negative polarity (-,-)
Horizontal scan rate is automatic for the above range.
Maximum Resolution:
Monitor Adjusted for:
Sony Trinitron
This monitor does not function with a notebook running at 31.5 Khz( VGA standard).
Running the monitor on regular video cards:
This monitor runs fine on high resolution modes on any video card. It requires a special video
card to run all the lower resolution modes properly on a PC.
support all the low resolution and high resolution modes.
You can run this monitor on normal video cards with the above specification. You must also
use a high resolution mode and refresh rate. This monitor will not work in DOS, Safe mode or
640x480 in low refresh rates without the MIRAGE card.
We recommend that you use your existing system and previous monitor to change the display
settings to one of the high resolutions mentioned below. Please make sure that you also
change your monitor type to one which supports higher refresh rates like the Sony G500
Multiscan monitor mentioned below. Then switch to 1280x1204 60 hz mode on your previous
monitor and make sure that the picture is ok (some small monitors may not be able to run
high resolution and high refresh rates, so if you could not see a recognizable picture, go back
to your previous mode). Once the picture is ok, without rebooting and without turning your
system off, switch the monitors and connect this monitor. You should get a stable picture on
this monitor now.
You may want to go to a different resolutions or higher refresh rates. Windows will switch to
the new mode and asks you to confirm the new mode within 15 seconds. If you can not see
the new mode and do not respond within the 15 seconds, the screen will go back to the
previous mode.
Important Hint: When changing resolutions and refresh rates, change one at a time. For
example to get 1024x768 @85 hz which we recommend on this monitor, first change to
1024x768 resolution. Hit Apply, then change the refresh rate to 85 Hz and hit Apply again.
Try using the following resolutions and refresh rates:
800x600 @ 100 Hz
1024x768 @75, 85, 100 Hz (* recommended mode)
1124x864 @75, 85, 100 Hz (* recommended mode)
1280x1024 @60, 70 Hz
1600x1200 @60 Hz
To change the modes, polarity and make other adjustments we recommend powerstrip
Monitor selection under windows 9x:
Under Monitor selections, choose Sony Corp G500 Multiscan to give you all high refresh
choices. If you are using a MIRAGE video card, choose standard monitor type, SuperVGA
MIRAGE Video Cards:
To get video cards which run all the modes (including Cmos setup, DOS, VGA,
Games,....and high resolutions) on this monitor we recommend:
SONY Tube mask lines:
This monitor has 2 very fainted horizontal lines across the screen. This is how SONY
Trinitron Monitors are made to connect the tube masks together and this is not a monitor
Monitor Labels and handling:
ü Please take extra caution when lifting this monitor. Normally we recommend 2 people to
carry a 19"/20" or higher size monitor as this monitor weighs over 70 lbs.
ü In some cases, the serial # and front Logo of this monitor may have been
removed/replaced by the Manufacturer (HP, SUN Micro Systems, ...) so that the original
warranty is not provided from the manufacturer.
ü The 90 day limited warranty is provided by Multimedia Computers.
ü This monitor is carefully tested and refurbished to have the original display specification.
We apologize for any imperfections on the casing (bezel) as these may not be new
Replacement video cards for this monitor can be obtained from:
Smooth Fitness Car Video System GMTV15 User Manual
Sony Flat Panel Television 40HX803 User Manual
Sony Handheld Game System PSP 3004 User Manual
Sony Headphones MEX BT3800U User Manual
Sony Laptop PCG F480 User Manual
Sony MiniDisc Player MZ E900 User Manual
Sony Speaker System MHC DX20 User Manual
Southbend Lathe SB1314 User Manual
State Industries Water Heater 185244 004 User Manual
Sun Microsystems Network Card SPARCcenter 2000 User Manual