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Before Downloading Software/Contents
This section will teach you how to connect your organizer to your PC and install the
downloader program. With the downloader program you can easily download software/
contents to SHARP’s ZQ-700 series organizers.
ConnectingYour Organizer toYour PC
Be Sure to Have
1. A SHARP ZQ-700 series electronic organizer
2. A personal computer
1. First turn off your PC and organizer before
connecting or disconnecting the Docking Module.
2. Connect the standard 9-pin connector of the
Docking Module to one of the COM Ports on
your PC.
•IBM® PC or 100% compatible
•Windows® 95, Windows® 98 or Windows®
2000 Professional
• Intel® Pentium® 133 MHz or higher
•24 MB RAM (64 MB for Windows® 2000
3. Connect the other end on the Docking Module
to the 4-pin cable jack of your organizer.
•16MB free hard disk space
•256 color VGA or better video
•Mouse or compatible pointing device
3. A Docking Module
4. The included CD-ROM (ZQ-700PC series only)
5. The Data Creation Tool (DCT) FD
(To Your PC)
(To Your Organizer)
• IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.
• Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation
or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Install the Downloader
Insert the included CD-ROM into your PC
and double-click the “My Computer” icon on
the screen. A window appears displaying
several different icons.
Click the “Next” button to prepare for “Setup”.
When “Setup” starts, the following window
will appear.
Double-click the CD-ROM icon in “My
Computer”. The following window should
Follow the installation instructions then
install the downloader.
After installing, select the COM port that you
wish to use. Click the “Next” button, then
finish the installation.
Click the “Install” button and you should see
the following screen. Check “Downloader for
SHARP Electronic Organizer.”
How to Download Software/Contents
This section will show you how to download software/contents to
the organizer. Files are available to download from SHARP's web
site as well as the included CD-ROM. Some of the programs
available for downloading are listed on the next page. SHARP’s home
page will be regularly updated with new software and contents.
From the Internet
<Download the “Pegs” File>
Download the “Pegs” file.
You will be alerted when downloading is
Click "Software Downloads".
A list of electronic organizers will appear. Select
"ZQ-700 series".
<Confirming Downloading>
Press the “My Programs” key of the organizer
to view an index of downloaded software.
Scroll down to the "Entertainment" section
and click "Pegs.wzd".
Select “Pegs” from the index and press the
“Enter” key. The data will appear on the
organizer’s screen.
How to Play Pegs
The object of this game is to eliminate as many pegs as possible.
Eliminate pegs by jumping over them with another peg onto an empty
The following dialogue should appear.
Click the “Load” button to start downloading.
Specify a peg you want with the cursor keys and press the "Enter"
key. Then press one of the four cursor keys to indicate the direction
you want to jump.
Software/Contents Examples
Holidays 2000
• Australia (2000 only) • Pegs
• Canada
Entertainment (My Program) Convenient References (Memo)
Travel Information (Memo)
• International Dialing Codes*
• International Police Numbers
• Biorhythm
• International Dialing Codes*
• Tire Pressure Conversions
• Paper Sizes
International Ambulance Numbers
• Hong Kong
Business Utilities
UK/Continental Clothing Conversions • International Power Supply
• United Kingdom
• United States*
(My Program)
• Cost/Sell/Margin Calculator
• UK Travel Information
• US Travel Information*
* Provided by Day-Timers, Inc.
• SHARP’s homepage will be regularly updated with new software and contents.
From the Included CD-ROM
<Download the “US Airline Numbers” File>
Insert the CD-ROM into your PC and double-
click the CD-ROM icon in “My Computer” of
the PC. The following window should appear.
Download the “US Airline Numbers” file.
You will be alerted when downloading
is finished.
Click the “Customize” button to see a list of
software and contents. Click “Travel
<Confirming Downloading>
Press the “Main” key of the organizer to
enter the main menu. Select “Memo” and
press the “Enter” key to open it.
Click the “US Airline Numbers” file.
Select the “Airline #s” from the index and
press the “Enter” key. The data will appear
on the organizer’s screen.
The following dialogue should appear.
Click the “Load” button to start downloading.
How to Make Contents
In this section you will learn how to make your own contents. Making your own contents
can be useful for compiling company contact numbers and memos as well as for making
How to Make Your Own File
Here is a reference screen of the Downloader
Insert the “DCT” FD into your PC and
double-click the FD icon in “My Computer”
on the screen. Double-click the “MemoMaker”
file. The following window will appear.
Click the “Go” button, and the following window
will appear. Select the place to save and enter
the file name and click the “Save” button.
Enter your information.
• Select the default category: Select the
category to download to.
• Enter title (Max. 30 Char.): Enter the title
shown on the Downloader.
• Description here: Enter a description of
the memo.
• Alert here: Enter the dialog alert. This
message will appear on the PC as dialog.
• Memo Title here: Enter the title of the
memo to be created.
• Memo Text here: Enter the memo contents
or browse to select a text file by clicking
the “Browse” button.
You will be
alerted when
saving is
Double-click the saved file. The following
window will appear. Then, click the “Load”
button to start downloading.
• Memo Date here: Enter the date.
How to Make the Address File from a PC Application
<From Microsoft® Outlook® Express>
Please be sure that you have Microsoft®
Open the “Address Book” of the application
and drag the desired file to the desktop of
the PC to re-save it as a VCF file (xxx.VCF).
Outlook® Express.
• Microsoft and Outlook are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Start the application.
Double-click the VCF file. You should see the
following window. Click the “Load” button to
start downloading.
How to Make Other Types of File
For making other information, such as contact numbers or anniversary dates, simply use the
same process as when constructing data. Please read the “Read me” file for more information.
Opening an Application
From Main Menu
Direct Start
1. Press the “Main” key.
2. Select the application that you wish to
1. To open a specific application, simply
press the application key (Tel, Schedule,
Memo or My Program).
3. Press the “Enter” key to open the
4. When you wish to view contents, select
2. When you wish to view contents, select
the entry.
3. Press the “Enter” key.
the entry.
5. Press the “Enter” key.
Deleting Entries
To delete contents that are in Tel, Schedule
or Memo:
To delete software that is in My Programs:
1. Select the entry in “My Programs” you
wish to delete.
1. Open the desired application.
2. Press the “Menu” key.
3. Press “2” to select “Delete Selected
My Program”.
4. A confirmation message will appear.
5. Press the “Enter” key.
2. Select the entry that you wish to delete.
3. Press the “DEL” key.
4. A confirmation message will appear.
5. Press the “Enter” key.
Q1) A window doesn’t appear after the CD-ROM
is inserted.
Q8) I cannot open the COM port on my PC.
A8) You have another program using the COM port.
Check to see if Intellisync™ is running; if it is,
close it.
A1) Double-click the icon of the CD-ROM to make
the window appear.
Q2) What happens if my organizer’s memory is
too full to download any files?
Q9) I’m using Netscape® Navigator 4.0. When I
click on a file I get an “Unknown File Type”
error. What should I do?
A2) Free up some memory by deleting old schedule
files and any outdated files.
A9) Occasionally Netscape Navigator 4.0 does not
recognize the WZD extension and cannot run
the downloader. Follow these steps to tell
Netscape Navigator 4.0 what to do with your
files (you only need to do this once):
1.When you get the “Unknown File Type”
dialog box press the “Pick App...” button.
2.Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the
folder where you installed the downloader
and choose “Download.exe” from the file list.
The default folder is C: Program Files Sharp.
3.Click OK.
Q3) What happens if I stop the download in the
middle of the transfer?
A3) Some files may have been copied to your
organizer. You need to go to the application,
filter by the appropriate category and delete
what might have been entered.
Q4) I don’t want a file to go to a miscellaneous
category; how can I free up a category?
A4) By default, a file will be downloaded to an
unused category. If you have already used all of
the categories, the file will be loaded under the
MISC category. To reset a used category back to
an unused category just rename it to the default.
4.In the Warning dialog box choose “Open
It” and deselect (remove the checkmark from)
the “Always ask before opening this type of
file” check box.
5.Click OK.
Once you do this, Netscape Navigator 4.0 will
run the downloader when you select files to
download. You will be able to download files
directly into your organizer.
Q5) What if there is an updated file? How can I
delete the older file that is already on my
A5) The easiest way is to filter the list of files by
category and then delete the outdated files.
After the outdated files are deleted, load the
updated file.
Q10) When I use the Memo Maker I get an
“Invalid field name is found in this file”
error message and no file is created.
A10) Your Windows® Regional Settings is using a
character other than a comma as the list
separator. To correct this go to Start, Settings,
Control Panel. Double-click on the Regional
Settings icon. Click the Number tab then
change the list separator (last item in list) to a
Q6) How will I know where to find a file on my
organizer after it is downloaded?
A6) When you are downloading the file, the
downloader main screen will tell you exactly
where (Memo, Schedule, etc.) the file will be
downloaded to.
Q11) I get a “This type of data is not supported
by your organizer” error message when I
try to download a file into my organizer.
Q7) When I click on a file I get a message that
asks me what program I want to use to
open the file. How do I resolve this?
A11) You are trying to download a file into an
older series of organizer. The ZQ-700PC
series are the only models capable of
downloading add-on applications.
A7) You have 1 of 2 problems. You may never have
downloaded the downloader, or your
downloader may be corrupt. On your PC, in
the Control Panel, go to Add/Remove software
and remove your existing downloader copy
and re-load with a new copy.
• Intellisync is a trademark of Pumatech, Inc., that may be registered in some
• Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of Netscape
Communications Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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